
Whats ways i can get a loved one to wear a scarf?

by  |  earlier

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my sisters dont wear scarfs and i want them to. Everytime i tell them they just say "Oh shhh, it's none of your bussiness" so i have nothing left to say to them.. but there 20 and 18 and they dont want to.. I asked my dad and he just sighs and does'nt reply.. What could i do to let them know its important in Islam. They pray and fast and everything but they dont wear scarfs thats the problem. Is there any scaring website i could show them? Thanks and Allah hafith :)




  1. Deciding to wear a hijab is a very big, very personal commitment and up to the individual, not others.  

  2. Are you their brother or sister??

  3. leave them alone!! its their business. omg i hate when others try to impose their religious beliefs on others, even their sisters. you dont wear a scarf so mind your own business.

  4. As much as I think your intentions are noble, I believe it is not your place to tell any adult what to do or not to do, be it hijab or anything else.

    Noone is perfect and we all need to live life as humble as possible and become the good we want to see in people and live a life that others would look up to and learn from.


  5. I think your very brave to be wanting to do this. I was listening to a hadith today on tv and the person said that any muslim women who dosen't wear a hijab is just like a non believer that dosen't wear a scarf. I wish you the best with your sisters and inshallah they will start to wear the hijab.

  6. It's not something that can or should be forced.  They have to want to on their own otherwise it is kind of meaningless and pointless.  If you already explained what Islam says about it, then that is really all you can do.

  7. You have done your duty by informing them that they should wear hijab and you really can't do more than that, other than to lead by example. Inshallah they will come around. There really is no point in continually reminding them, this will only put a strain on your relationship with them and may in fact put them off wearing hijab.

  8. how about you simply show them proof: Quran! Surah Noor and Al-Ahzab

    tell them the punishments in the h**l fire

  9. There is no compulsion in Islam, but I know u r not trying to force them, rather u r trying to instill in them the want to want to wear it.

    Firstly, pray for it, even wanting it, like u do is a form of prayer, bcuz u want it in your heart  and our soul is from Ta'ala, so thats already happeneing.

    Make Sujood for long periods of time and Ask of Ta'ala.

    Also, show them (AS HORRIBLE AND DISGUSTING AS IT IS) videos and stories of woman/girls, (there age and younger) being raped and murdered or just raped and kidnapped, disgusting stuff like that all bcuz a DISGUSTING man was attracted to them or something like that, if u (not u, u in general) r beautiful, especially f u r a woman, u shouldnt flaunt it, but for your husband.

    Also, your dads attitude seems (sorry, but true) very lame, he is not a good father, every bad deeds your sisters get bcuz of this, so will your dad, and every man that looks and thinks bad thoughts (trust me, men are all like that towards all woman) about your sisters, your sisters will get bad deeds, the guy thinking them, your dad for allowing it (or atleast not caring) and then the bad deeds your sisters get and the guy gets, your dad will also get.

    I feel bad for u for having such a bad and horrible father.

  10. Assalam alaikum:

    You shouldn't push anyone into anything, whether or not it has to do with religion or their own good or anything else.  It's more important to love, cherish and honour your sisters, than it is for you to push them into wearing a hijab.

    Their choice is between them and God.  It really has nothing to do with you.  Be there for them, we all need strong dependable people who love us in our lives.


  11. Tell them they'll go to h**l if they don't, if they still don't listen, then just forget them. You're not the one that's going to get punished because they didn't wear a scarf.

  12. You cannot force your sisters to wear a scarf, and from what I understand of Islam, you should not try to. A woman must make the decision to wear a scarf on her own. She must do it of her own free will. If they were to put the scarves on now just to please you, they would not embrace it in their heart and it would be as if they were lying.

    Now if you are in a culture where most women don't wear scarves, this isn't a problem because a woman is not seen as immodest if she does not cover her head.

    If you were in Saudi Arabia, however, I would say, even to non-muslim women, it's appropriate that they cover their heads because there, a woman not covering her head may be equivalent to a women in a western culture walking around topless. Culturally, it is not appropriate.

    However that in mind, a woman in some tribe in Afria, or the Amazon, where they wear little in the way of clothing, would not be seen as immodest for not wearing a shirt. In fact in Papau New Guinea, where native men where long gourds over their p***s as clothing, christian missionaries once tried to get them to wear shorts instead. Some of the men would wear the shorts with the p***s gourds sticking through the fly because they "felt uncovered" without them.

    So modesty is a very culturally based thing.

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