
Whats with 13 year olds getting pregnant?! Keep your legs closed!?

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omfg they're all like

"I had s*x and now im pregnant and i dont want to tell my parents, HELP!"





  1. Amen to that. My friend Vanessa, last week she hooked up with her boyfriend and now she might be pregnant. She's only 28 days older than me and I'm 13! Whats even dumber is that she was drunk and he remembered everything. Its obvious he would take advantage of her. He's going to be a sophomore when we start school again. To make things worse, they go to church together. They're Christians. WTF?! Isn't that like unholy? Thats like against the 10 commandments. I'm not even religious(I'm not Atheist either though) and I know pre-martial s*x is bad. My other friend, Stephanie, she's 12(She'll be 13 on halloween) and she hooked up with 2 guys this summer. My ex-friend, Marissa, hooked up with this guy in our grade last year when we were in 7th grade. It seems like in my circle of friends I'm the only virgin.

  2. i know right just wait  til your married


  4. well i absolulty think they are trolls,

    and if you have noticed, they answer others pregnant 13 year olds, saying "doood how could you have s*x, your 13!"

    after they just asked about them being 13, and prego,

    ugh. d**n trolls

    but if they are true. doesnt anybody have ANY willpower. i mean the guy is using them, (and dont say they arent) JEEZ

    i could NEVER picture myself pregnant now, and ima 13 year old!

  5. Because these young girls don't know how serious s*x is! These crazy youg'ans. Gosh. I'm 20, still got my V card and I'm waiting till marriage...  I could care less about s*x. Its just whats on everyones mind now a days. Plus its really not hard at all to wait. Seriously.

  6. i totally agree. Most teens are ruining their life having s*x.  it's dumb. Live ur life. the reason their doing it is because they want someone to "love" them. one word, hormones.

  7. I agree with you. Why have s*x when you can't handle the consequences? I mean, I'm 13 and I can't look at the kids in my grade and imagine them having s*x. That's just weird.

  8. i think the problem is that they THINK there in love and so there tempted to start a family and they want to gro up too fast but then when they see how much respoonsibility and how hard it can be to have a kid with out a full education and a freakin job they wanna punk out but they dont realize that its not easy having an abortion or finding a foster home for the little kid. all im saying is that think twice before you open your legs. {i know im writing off topic but this is how i feel}

  9. i totally agree stupid little 13 year olds trying to grow up so fast...

    STAY  YOUNG! i mean serisoly

  10. omg seriously do you remember how young you were at 13?? seriously if any CHILD gets pregnant at 13 its the parents fault for not taking care of them !!

    girls only search out s*x at a young age to crave closeness and love which they didn't get at home.

    also a little s*x education wouldn't go amiss and i don't mean all this abstinence c**p. In Holland we don't have as much of these problems because children are EDUCATED from a young age about how to protect themselves and the risks !!

    oh and dont judge all teens , i got sexually active as a teenager and was carful and guess what ? no babies or STD's

  11. Yeah thats what I was wondering. Like all these little teenagers running around thinking their grown and they can handle themselves have s*x, and once they get pregnant they all of a sudden 'don't know what to do'.. well you sure didi know what you were doing when you were having s*x didin't you!!

    lol children these days..idk what happening

  12. i not sure why peopl so young get pregnant i guess that is a good time to say that $h!t happens

  13. This isn't a question, it's a rant. Y!A is for legitimate questions.

  14. i know, how silly are they, i mean, thats like their whole life planned ahead of them now. they never think do they.

    Why dont you say it to them someday when your going out, just say, mum,dad im goung out, oh yh im pregnant. then run out the door.

    Imagine yourself saying it to them in your head, roar it out.

  15. our dialect it is called "ayot" meaning they cannot control their lust or sexual desire!!!!!!!....where were their mothers to talk about the future and manners???...

  16. people should just wait until their married

  17. dont put all teenagers with the bad ones all my friends and all the gfs ive had will say there waitin till marrage so we aint all the same

  18. i no like half the questions on here r help i think i might be pregnant! y r 13 yearolds (which is how old i am) having s*x? it makes no sense. its called wait until ur an adult people!

  19. Ahh some people are just idiots. And the worst part is if their kids aren't killed or given away at birth, they have to live with and irresponsible teenager doing gods knows what.

  20. okay then... wow

  21. Whats with you interfering when its none of your busines? Keep your mouth shut!

    Omfg your like so nosy

    "I think your a nosy person who needs a life rather than medling in other peoples affairs! OK!"


  22. My question is, why are you stupid enough to actually believe any of these questions? Just look at their question history. The pregnant thirteen-year-old turns into the 11-year-old mad at her parents, the 13-year-old with two children, the fifteen-year-old whos engaged.

    One simple look and someone's history can prove whether they were a troll or not.

  23. haha yeah its pretty sad. last summer the adolescent category was filled with all these teen prego stories. but really this year wasnt as bad as last.

  24. Well firstly, there is peer presure and that is very strong thing to get through. Secondly people have urges, its natural but some ppl let urges go to far. Notthing is wrong with s*x as long and it is safe. I agree abstinence is the best way to not get pregnant but times have changed from when kissing in publi was looked down apon. Ppl have s*x its natural. Some ppl fall in love and thats why they have s*x. No one can tell you why  ALL teens have s*x. Most have s*x and dont get pregnant. And yes waiting till ur married is hard for most ppl. Just dont judge ppl cuz of one thing.

  25. This isn't a question, but I know what you mean. It is sad to see. Now I know they couldn't all possibly be true, but some are and we should try to change that. My step-daughter is 15 and pregnant, and no way did I ever imagine it could happen, but it does, A LOT. But we shouldnt' try to bring them down, because that doesn't help anything. They already had s*x and got pregnant, there's nothing you can do about that, so lets try to encourage them to take responsiblity and not to have an abortion. But 13, I know, is WAY to young, but it does happen. So we have to try to help them and encourage them to do the right thing.

  26. i so agree with u they do it cause its cool

    good girls sit like this-||

    really good girls sit like this-X

    bad girls sit like this-/\


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