
Whats with all the Manchester Utd Q's people??

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All I see is Man Utd Q's......all because we lost one game!

Can I just remind people we are the current European and English Double Champions!

Yes it was a bad result tonight but hey its not the end of the world! Its only one game!

We didn't deserve to win the game as Zenit totally outplayed us for the first hour and we really only played in the last 20 mins so no complaints!

But hey lay off the anti utd q's saying they were rubbish and certain players are "bad"!

Final Word: Please continue to write us off though, I remember a certain last season where the same thing happened!

FQ: Rooney or Tevez?




  1. No, it's not the end of the world.  In fact, to quote somebody else who probably would've hated Man U's guts if they'd been worth hating back then... or if they HAD any guts... This is not the end, this is not the beginning of the end, but it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.

  2. The lads will be just fine! When you dominate possession for an entire game (68% I believe) and only tie, it's just bad luck. Wait until we get "Dimi" suited up, then everybody will jump back on the MANU Bandwagon!

  3. why ask that and the truth was there for all too see?

    Tevez is better because he is

    that's all

    he showed it tonight and to me he always was better but because he plays for an English club and Rooney is English people refuse to see it

    who is better at tackling and winning the ball back? Tevez

    who is better at free kicks? Tevez

    and the list goes on


  4. The last couple of days about 50% of the questions here were all about rubbishing Liverpool (and they haven't even lost a game yet). I guess it's Man Utd's turn now. I won't be posting any though, actually I was a little disappointed they lost as I had a bet on them.


    The Super Cup means something, not much - nothing significant.

  6. Like vultures, they will take any scrap of meat available.'re a complete nonce mate, how do you know Churchill would've hated United? And i bet you think you're so smart quoting him. P!llock!

  7. Nothing new mate. Don't expect the haters and retards to stay silent. One loss, and they are so thrilled with it because this is their only chance to slate United. Man Utd don't get too many loses, so I suppose they can enjoy this for now.

    It was a bad game for United and a superb one for Zenit. No excuse for a mediocre display. The striking department really needs reinforcement. Paul Scholes gave in to a moment of madness, but I suppose it happens to everyone.

    The strength of a team is measured by how it bounces back after a defeat. We've seen United become stronger after a setback. Expect United to make a strong statement in REAL competitions and not just some overhyped event.

  8. Cracks are appearing and the Manc nation are all too aware of the fact - that is why they are getting so tetchy.  

  9. let me put it this way to you

    ARSENAL lost one lousy game and everyones been going on about it for the last week

    so youve got nothing to complain about mate! : )

    your team lost,now get over it

    and please dont tell me that what scholes did doesnt deserve criticism!

  10. What do you expect mate, people are waiting for us to slip every moment of every day all because they want is just to have their moment because their team obviously sucks big time. This goes for Liverpool and Chelsea fans. Especially Liverpool fans as they are very jealous of us and our glory. Hopefully the can stop being babies and get over it.

  11. Go Bed Now Man Utd Haters

  12. hahaha are you sh1tting me TJ !??if that was liverpool we would have nothing but anti-Liverpool for the next week and you knowthat'sthats the way this thing works my friend!you give some ya get some!hahaha...might as well get used to it for the upcoming season buddy;)

  13. Exactly mate just wait and see who's the champion's at the end of the season and they will all eat their words.

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