
Whats with all the asian models???

by  |  earlier

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i was looking around this web page and i was thinking about it...

can white girls be car import models? what about black girls?

cause when you look at the models for hot import nites they are always asian chicas. can you be a white or black hot import nite model???? or would you not make as much money?? jus wondering :)




  1. It depends where the consumer base is. Import car companies like Toyota and Honda use local girls to attract foreign customers through exotic models.  

  2. yeah no kidding, good point!

    answer mine please;...

  3. personally i'm asian but i agree with you. i would love to see a black girl and a white girl! :) you should file a complant thats what i did.. good luck

    -------love, aj-------

  4. im asian and im embarrassed because of the stupid S****y hot import night models. seriously..... EW! they're giving us such bad names. is it so hard to be a little bit more appropriate or classy? grrr....

    i think models should be all races. the company was just probably locally in asia... and well, they're freakin perves too, to add!  

  5. i agree 100% wit u

  6. And it's funny because asian girls aren't even pretty. And it's sad because the only asians who get into modeling are way over their average height, had eye opening surgery and everything else.

    I'd rather see a white or black girl anyday.

  7. yeah now when i actually think about it..

    i agree!

  8. They want show the car's "exotic" look and sleek-ness.

         Asian models aren't as common as white models, and black models are unique, just too common to have that "wow-factor"....

       I know, it sucks and I hope that everyone gets equal-opportunity soon.

  9. Maybe because the most popular car makers are from Asian ?

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