
Whats with all the ufc bashing?????

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T.v has been waiting for this .




  1. I think ground and pound should be eliminated and submission technique when on the ground the only thing allowed.

    That would require true martial skill.However the fans would get bored start booing because of lack of action or blood  and dana white would lose bucks as the fans dropped off .

    I have watched any number of ground and pound fights in the streets and bars and that was before mma or ufc .

    True skill is in the stand up and ground submissions ground and pound to me is an "anybody can do it" non skill .Maybe that's the basis of it's popularity .A kind of "I dont know c**p but I could do that " or even done that.

  2. As a 27 year practitioner of various arts and systems as well as the "American Combat System" developer and Team Bushi MMA founder I have a ton of problems with both, "Commercialized MMA" and its fans.  One is that the fans know "notta" and two is that commercialized MMA will hurt all martial arts in the long run.  Things like tradition, proper technique, and virtues will be lost in the long run because of the UFC in general.

    Fans believing that a man can dawn 4 oz. grappling gloves and become a "Zen Master" overnight is another problem I have.  On the flip side of this, of course, is traditionalist arts and its practitioners' attacking systems like my own or any other out there that is a "independent martial art" and degrading a honest man's efforts because of the UFC and it's fans putting "pre-determined" conclusions into the heads of traditionalist practitioners.  

    Not to mention what Bluto said above which is all true about sport MMA.  

    Then on top of all that there's the bully kid that watches the UFC and goes out and executes what he sees on T.V. against weaker kids at his school and what not.....The list goes on and on about the UFC and it's "commercialized glorification" of violence and proving one's self for mere pride.

    Katana17 makes a good point too.  I've seen what he describes as "unknowledgable" advice or Bullshido from people that have no clue about anything related to any type martial art right here in "answers" as well many times.

    It's too easy to bash the UFC if you're going to call them as you see them that is.

  3. Quite honestly I have nothing against the UFC itself, it's the legion of ignorent fans that get on here that have absolutly no knowledge beyond what they see on tv that I take exception too.

    I mean really after any UFC pay per view you will have 200 questions about "so and so was screwed" "what music did so and so come out to" "who is so and so going to fight next" etc. What do any of these questions have to do with practicing martial arts? then why are they in the martial arts section?

    Another by product is that you have people coming here who ordinarily wouldn't, because of these questions, answering other questions they are really not qualified to answer, and actually believing they know what they are talking about. I mean watching the ufc while downing a few, and never actually training, does not qualify you to give advice to someone on what style would be best for them. you can see it in the answers that they barely even know exactly what a style contains, let alone know enough about it to recomend it.

    I do not bash the UFC per say, I actually like watching it, but I do however bash all of the moronic people that think watching it makes them experts on all martial arts. People like Drew are an exception, because I know he actively trains, and you can see it in his answers, so even though I may not agree with all of his views, I can respect that he has them since he actually trains.

  4. all they do is wrestle like is not even real fighting

  5. The reality television, personality driven dynamic is pretty crass and annoying, and it definitely brings in a massive legion of morons who love to run their mouths, without the benefit of even a smattering of knowledge.

    I train at MMA, so maybe it's a generational thing. Younger guys at my gym seem to love to gossip about what happened on the show. I don't watch television at all, and hearing second-hand about TUF definitely convinces me that I'm not missing anything.

    Oh, and for the record: Guys who think wrestling looks "homo" are confused about their own sexuality.

  6. I agree with katana on how the fans are stupid. Most of them think that  they suddenly know about fighting just because they have seen it on t.v., and that really ticks me off.

    But personally, since I do mma, and tkd, and muay thai, i realize how easy the ufc is. Compared to muay thai and tkd, the mma ufc c**p takes almost no skill. I dont dont like to watch two guys get into the ring and throw a couple of kicks and punches than always go to the ground and end up kneeing and elbowing the c**p out of eachother. I'm not meaning to bash mma here (the mma I learn is much more in depth than what i see these guys using) but the ufc to me isn't very entertaining.

  7. Opinions are like a******s everyones got one.  For instance, people like Rob who think that sitting "on top of someone and punching them in the face" isnt a sport but then has the balls to admit that he enjoys folk wrestling.  Whatever floats your boat Rob, but if you feel that  grabbing other people by their shorts and tossing them to the ground is more of a sport than MMA you've got problems.

  8. I agree with Katana.  I really enjoy UFC, but the ignorant fans are really annoying.  They think only BJJ and Muay Thai are effective and everything else is useless.  Mean while many MMA stars with background in Judo, Karate, TKD, Kung fu, Wrestling, etc. have all done well there.

  9. I wrote a long answer for this and changed my mind. Nothing I say will change your mind as a fan, and nothing you say will convince me that I should consider joining you.

    Arguing over disciplines is like trying to teach a pig to sing.

    You waste your time and annoy the pig.

  10. people like to look down upon something they don't like. they can't make a reasonable argument about why it is bad, so they choose to "be better than it". personally i love mma. i did like pride a little more than the ufc, but the ufc is still exciting. i don't know why people choose to hate the ufc or mma, its a great and dynamic sport.

  11. To me, there is no sport in beating a man about the head and shoulders when you're sitting on top of him.  Those little gloves are jokes.  They are more about protecting the knuckles of the puncher than padding the blow for the opponent.  You might as well go bare knuckle since at least the attacker will have to suffer as well.

    That being said, I'm hardly a pacifist.  I'm actively involved in folkstyle wrestling, karate, and tackle football.  I'm not a huge fan of point sparring either.  I prefer full-contact or kickboxing.

  12. I don't like to beat around the bush, so I'll just skip the whole "i respect your opinion as a human being shpiel." Also 'cause I don't like lying.

    If somebody is so weak-minded that music, video games, a sporting event, or something like that will cause them to act out... Well, then there will always be an abundance of things that could/would influence bad behavior, even if MMA, rap music, GTA 4, and Slipknot received the banhammer.

    And if we trod further into the madness that is the mindset of those who deny the existence of personal accountability, there is no limit to these sinful influences. d**n you Mcdonalds, you made me fat! d**n you, Spiderman! I thought that if I got bit by an irradiated spider, I'd stick to walls -- not plummet 30 feet and end up in a wheel chair.

    So, okay, I exaggerated a bit. But really, sheep are sheep -- albeit to varying degrees. They may fall under the influence of this or that, and they do something stupid because of it. But, really, its no one's fault but their own.

    As for the two who say Ground and Pound requires no skill, that's a crock of c**p. GnP is pretty much the fighting application of pinning (if you're doing it from a dominant position). You have to maintain side control or mount or whatever while your opponent does everything within his power to escape, as you are giving him pretty strong incentive.

    And if its G n P from guard, that takes some seriously skill. If you disagree, go to an MMA a gym and ask one of their fighters to practice it with you. If you're lucky, you'll get subbed or swept within a few seconds. If not, you'll have to withstand the humiliation of getting outstruck by the guy who you're on top of.

  13. It is a savage, barbaric spectacle that infuses violence in the minds of the simple.

    I saw a question on here asked by a 13 year old boy - how can he make his ear "cauliflower"?

    Is the UFC or the greedy tv network-scum going to answer for his injuries?

    I don't bash it... bashing is unjustifiable objectifying. I rightly trash it.

    "oh! that's not ufc/the-tv-network's fault if the kid wants to copy what he sees on tv!".

    Yeah! IT IS!!

    Bluto - cool...

    I would not hold back my opinion on video games and tv instilling violence in the minds of impressionable people.

    Some choose to say they don't.

    I think that's a load of bull.

    Just the other day, a 9 year old boy stole his grand mother's vehicle, drove it and eventually crashed into a tree. When asked how he learned to drive, he answered, "I learned from playing video games".

    If a 9 y/o can learn to drive playing video games... what else?

    So maybe we can become partners in the "fertilizer" business?

    So it's the 13 y/o kids fault? That they are watching something that is programming their mind by repetition?

    Come on! Repetition is the basis of developing martial art skills!

    So how come the 13 y/o is at fault when the media is bombarding them with those messages and images???

    You know your art because you drilled in it.

    The mind works the same way.

    You cannot deny this.

  14. The people that I think really hate seeing the UFC on TV are the ones that wish it was like it used to be.  They want Pride back.  They want Elite to go away.

    I can understand that, honestly.  MMA used to be more brutal with headbutts, no weight classes etc. and some people think it was more "real".  I'm glad that they have more "sport" oriented rules - it keeps the fighters safer and makes for more interesting fights in most cases.

    With TUF on network TV, more people realized that these guys are real people, real fighters, and real atheletes - not just "pro wrestlers" who choreograph fights.  

    Putting MMA on TV has done 2 things for our sport -

    1) the increased profile of fighting has brought interest from masses of people; both knowledgable and ignorant of the sport. This is good because more people spend money on it, train and aspire to become fighters, and will evolve MMA - you already see the one-dimensional fighters as a thing of the past.  And it's bad because people are overnight "experts" regurgitating what they heard Joe Rogan or Frank Trigg say on a broadcast, "doing moves" on Youtube, etc.  The outspoken minority can make the majority look like thugs or idiots.  But that's human nature.

    2) the UFC being on TV has also made "old school" fight fans feel kind of violated.  It irritates me to hear people say "Chuck Liddel sucks", Kimbo is great", "Who is Carlos Newton?" "My new Affliction T-Shirt is AWESOME!"   It's like letting toddlers run around in a boxing gym.  They just make noise and s***w up everyone's flow - but they are harmless really, and once they get over the newness, they'll be fight fans or they'll go away.

    Just like everything, be patient and the pendulum will swing back.  The sport won't be the same as it was 10 years ago, but maybe that's a good thing.

  15. I have TONS of legitimate complaints against the UFC, but I gather that you are not trying to initiate a discussion about the poor quality of medical treatment plans recieved by the fighters, the poor quality of pay and the abusive contracts fighters are forced to sign.

    I also have a problem with dana white and the fact that I think the ruleset should be closer to pride fc than what it is,

    but again I get the feeling you are more refering to those people who just bash it because they don't like thier "sacred cows" bieng stepped on becasue they find that thier training and art doesn't match up to someone who trains realistically and with proper training methodology which people who train for mma comps must do in order to compete.

    If you wish to raise legitimate complaints about the UFC- I'll talk your ear off all day and not bash it- same with boxing. however typical "bashers" are generally people who are parroting thier teacher's disdain for it to cover up thier school's sub-par training.

    EDIT: sensei- the ufc promotes a fighting sport in a responsible manner of competition. I'll put that against any video game any day. why don't we sit down and play fable where you can beat on small children and marry and kill your spouse and beat them?

    I'm not promoting that video games or movies promote violence- thats a load of bull. but if thats a load of bull then stating that the ufc or mma is in any way barbaric is a a big enough load of bull you could start your own fertilizer company.

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