
Whats with football players and wrestlers exercising in garbage bags??

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is it just to embarass them? i saw some guys doign that the other day. majorly weird.




  1. It's one of the primary ways to cut weight. The bag stops heat from escaping and makes it like running inside a sauna. When you are a wrestler you have to be at the top of your weightclass for your weighins, but it's a HUGE advantage to actually be naturally heavier than that. So before meets they will do things like run in garbage bags and sweat shirts to drop water weight. It can be unhealthy and several wrestlers have died from it over the years, but it does work.

    Football players don't generally do it as much since they don't have to make a specific weight, but sometimes they will.

  2. It's a way to make weight right before a weigh in or such. I don't know if you watch the Ultimate Figther, but one contestant on the show worked out in a garbage bag type suit to lose water weight. They will do this to get down to the weight they need to be at to compete.

  3. the above answer is correct . atheltes from all sports use this as a mini-sauna to mincrese sweat and decrease water retention . it does work , but it is not the safest way to lose weight . very dangerous during high outdoor temperatures , also you do not want to be near a person who does this when the remove the garbage bag . very vomit inducing smell .

  4. Huh?

    Perhaps, they sweat more. They probably erroneously think more sweat equals better work out. This is wrong. You sweat enough to keep your largest organ in your body - your skin - cool. Inducing an artificial sweating of this kind spells disaster.

    That said, did you mean they were scratching their balls in public.? I see baseball players "adjust" all the time, spit just when the camera is on close-up. These are disgusting habits. Children learn this, they think it is cool and they imitate. If this is what you meant, I am with you. Yes it downright embarassing.

    Raphael Nadal (tennis) scratches his a$$ everytime just before he serves. It is downright disgusting and discourteous. Won't their coaches tell them to stop the d**n practice? What's up with that scratching?

    Roger Federer... ha... there is a perfect gentleman. He does not scratch, does not spit, not even touch ... hhhhhmmmm.... you know.... there.... down there... you know.... and for that matter he barely sweats even in a tight game. It is a treat to watch him play. He respects the audience. I am sure in his privacy he does all kinds of things, but who cares?

    On live TV, you better behave.

  5. people do this so they sweat more to lose more weight wrestlers do this so they can compete at lower weight classes so they have a better chance at winning. but i have no idea why a football player would do this

  6. Wrestlers exercise in garbage bags to lose water weight before weigh-ins. They can lose large amounts of weight and gain it back before competing, the only problem is its dangerous when large amounts are lost and your cardio is worse when you wrestle. I dont know why football players do it.

  7. It keeps in body heat and increases sweating so they can drop weight really FAST.  Problem, they're only losing water weight, not fat AND they used to use rubber suits for that but those are banned now, so garbage bags are the cheapest substitute and still legal (I guess)

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