
Whats with the name calling?

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Why do people have to resort to name calling? Like calling someone S****y or trashy for having a tattoo,in my opinion its trashy when people start with childish name calling.O i know everyone have a right to their opinions (no matter how stupid or rude they are) I'm just voicing my opinion,and saying these people need to learn some kind of manners.

What do you think about this?

And i do have a full sleeve and many other tattoos myself :)

Now I'm going to wait and be attacked myself lol ;)




  1. Ewww. You have a full sleeve? That is so trashy!! You have no class AT ALL!

    haha just kidding. yeah those people are really stupid. but what bothers me more than having people think I'm "trashy" is the whole job thing. I would totally cover myself in tattoos (right now all mine are easily hidden) but I'm going to law school in a couple of years and I have no idea where it will take me. before I always said that I wanted to get visible tattoos just to prevent myself from getting a job where you had to play by the rules, but now...I just can't limit my opporunities. I'm too young to make such a big decision.

    But it pisses me off that I even have to worry about it! Why can't I be a kick *** lawyer with kick *** tattoos?

    boooo on you society

  2. s***w em' we don't need their approval. People will either accept us or they won't. The art we have on our bodies shouldn't matter one way or another. It's not a testament of our character. It's a form of self expression, but if it does cause some people to look at us through eyes of negativity and judgment that is their problem. They are the ones missing out. Some people are just closed minded and can't appreciate art and self expression. My family and friends still like me even though I have tattoos and they are the only ones that matter to me. Don't let them get to you Babe. I think women with tattoos are Hot !

  3. Well I have like 9 tattoos myself and I know what you mean... I've been discriminated in jobs because of my tattoos. I personally think that it's ridiculous to judge anyone for their way of being or for their likes...  

  4. i totally agree, trashy how? just because you decided to decorate your body the way you wanted to? pshhh

  5. I agree!!

    N its evvva da ppl dat tlk lk dis


    People that are about 19 and have had their tattoo and now think they know everything about them and can call the people who they were so much like at 14 or what ever age.

    If somebody wants a piercing or tattoo, then they should get it, i dont even know why they ask "should i get this tatt/piercing"?? just do it!!

    and my opinion is all piercings are great and tattoos on women are also great:-D

  6. Tattoos are awesome and people are judgmental a******s. Oops I think I just did some name calling.. My bad

  7. the world has gone mad.

    Tattoos are cool. :)

  8. all i know is that The hottest tats are those of pretty art work on the whole body, like the japanese yakuza ladies.

    Thats hot.

    oh and yeh people are afraid of different.

  9. all i can say is"s rock....i have 5 and plan to get many more..

    all i can say to people who dislike them is......if you don"t like them...don"t look at them...!

  10. oh geez i know! haha im pretty covered in tattoos and i get it all as well. People call me a hooker etc even when im in jeans and a tshirt . People are just closed minded and uneducated... thats the only explanation!!! But who gives a c**p - we know integrity goes into every ink line!

  11. although the world has come a long way from associating tattoos to sailors and criminals alone, we tattoo enthusiasts still have our work cut out for us. i don't believe that well executed and/or meaningful tattoos are tacky or trashy whatsoever. yet on the other hand, i do find that uneven, discolored lines and shading, smiley faces, tasmanian devils and incorporating body hair or belly buttons as part of a design to make for awful tattoos, 9 times out of ten--but there are gorgeous tattoos out there. wonderful pieces that people will get to treasure for the rest of their lives. there are original designs and unusual concepts which help create diversity and personality. terms like "tramp stamp" drive me insane for this very reason; i've got a bar of soap tattooed on my lower back. does this make me a s**t? am i a rebel, a bum, a punk? labels and name calling are probably the most pathetic and ignorant commentary anyone can ever come up with. hopefully, despite the fact certain parents teach their kids that tattoos are bad, ugly, nasty things, some of these kids will hopefully grow up to be more understanding, and may learn to appreciate them, even if they never get tattooed themselves. there are many close minded individuals, trend fallowers and insecure people in the world. a number of them hate tattoos. while i also respect other people's opinions and religious beliefs, i don't care for useless stereotypes or rude stares. if one decides to use their body as a canvas, then so be it.  

  12. My dad thinks that women with tattoos are trashy, but he is old and doesn't know better. He doesn't know I have any... Many people are rude and just mean. **** them, not literally of course. To h**l with them though.

  13. Exactly! When my father first say my tattoo (3 years after i got it) the 1st thing out his mouth was " The ugliest thing a women can do to  her body is mark it with tattoos". I was highly upset to say the least. I thought I would never hear the end of it  but I did.  He got over it. Tattoos are awesome.  Ignore the rude comments.  

  14. This Is what I don't understand, if a person thinks tattoos are trashy, or stupid, why are they cruising the tattoo section on yahoo... That would be like g*y bashing on a forum for g*y people... I think they are jealous, and really want tattoos, but they're too big of pu$$ies to get them!  

  15. People have strange and unexpected reactions to art when they first see it.  

    And you are a work of art!  I guess that's technically name calling, but in a good way!

    Please just try and excuse them for being ignorant and uneducated morons... dangit... I did it again!

  16. I totally agree...what business is it of anyone elses if you have a tattoo or not?  and I dont get how having a tattoo makes one trashy.  I have 5 tattoos and I'm a perfectly presentable, respectable health care professional who has been married the last 3.5 years.  What I find sad is that people call us names, yet they dont realize how bad it makes them look that they are so concerned about what we do when they have their own lives and such to worry about.   I mean the thing with those of us with tattoos is...we dont care if other people have tattoos or not.  we are like "oh my god you dont have a tattoo...what a tramp!"   yet...some people without tattoos think its ok to take poorly of us.  sleeping around and dressing in cloths small enough to be cinsidered underwear makes you trashy and S****y...not tattoos.

  17. everyone has their own beliefs on tattoos, some people are brought up thinking that tattoos are wrong. i dont have any but i love them - i think art is beautiful. and yes, people need to be more respectful with their answers and not judge.

  18. People are often anonymously offensive. Often, where they wouldn't act certain ways in person, they will on the internet where their identity is protected. Sad, perhaps, but human nature nevertheless. Enjoy your ink!

  19. I hear ya! I love the assumption that we (chicks with a whole lot of ink) are trashy or S****y or whatever.

    Just do your best to ignore them. I know it's hard. Makes me want to scream sometimes (especially when it's my mother doing the name calling!). I just try to laugh it off and be confident that I'm doing well in life, despite what all the nay-sayers think or say.

    Times are changing - very slowly - but they are. People are becoming less ignorant as they find out that people can have tattoos and piercings and still be decent, successful people. It's just a very long process!

  20. thats not trashy, thats your style.

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