
Whats with the wii????

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why do people like the the Wii's lame games i am now bored of it




  1. wii is g*y all they have is mario and kid games thats why its cheap

  2. i have always been disappointed with the kinds of game Nintendo has.  Sony always seemed to always have the kind of games that i would have wanted to play.  thats why i got a PS3.  i also have a wii and have found very feel games worth playing.  the only games that i really like on the wii was Brawl and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

  3. sell it and buy an xbox 360

  4. You just need to find some good games. Do some research, find something that suits you.

  5. because wii doesnt have any good action/shooting games (except for medal of honor heroes 2). They only target audiences that are 10 and younger not like ps3 and 360 were its 13+

  6. Well you can give it to me

  7. me too im just waiting for SOMETHING to come out

  8. What games have you got because there are some really good games out there if you look.

  9. The games aren't lame and you are a stupid fanboy.

  10. So Yahoo Answers isn't safe from trolls either?

  11. i hate the wii myself get a ds and pokemond diamond or civilization revolution! have fun.

  12. did you just call games like The Legend of Zelda and Metroid Prime lame?

    you have an interesting taste in games.


    but to be honest, the best games for the Wii don't have much replay value, so I kind of see why you are bored.

    Super Smash Bros. Brawl is the only game I play on it anymore.

  13. Yeah. If Wii Music sells well, I sell the wii.

  14. why ps3 and 360 they are just computers so they are useless

    And to people that say wii has no good game comming out serch up the conduit

  15. best Wii games-

    Super Smash Bros. Brawl

    Paper Mario

    Guitar Hero 3

    Rock Band

  16. get the wii fit. or sports or matrio kart cuz the wii is ment for moving around so if you get those games u will really benefit from it.

  17. Because of the fun interaction. And depending on the game it can be fun for all ages to get involved, with some of the simple controls. To me a game doesn't have the latest graphics and more complicated controls to be fun. It is a nice change of pace from the all the button mashing and remembering 4-5 different buttons and what they control in the game.

  18. I never really liked the wii.  The controls are a bit wack. The games are lame.  I think there was a huge hype over it because it was the only game most people could afford.  
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