
Whats with these mood swings?

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I can't deal with these mood swings I've been having for the last couple of years. At first I thought it was depression which I just tried to soldier on through but lately it seems to be getting worse. Sometimes I feel fine, sometimes I feel I want to die the rest of the time I feel absolutely nothing, sort of dead inside. Its really taking its toll on my life in general. Whats wrong with me?




  1. Fluctuations in blood sugar levels can be associated with changes in mood. However, this typically occurs with extremely high or low blood sugar levels. The cause of this isn't clear.

    If these moods swings occur often, consult your doctor. It is important to measure and record your blood sugar level when you notice a mood change. This information can help his doctor make appropriate adjustments in his diabetes medications, if needed.

    Many factors may contribute to mood disorders in people with diabetes. It can take time to adjust emotionally to the diagnosis, as well as the need to manage the disease. Adolescence can be an even more difficult time to develop diabetes. If mood swings are a persistent problem, get help from your doctor. He or she may recommend a mental health professional to determine if factors other than diabetes are the cause.

  2. Its the people around you probably. Its happening to me also so i kind of got used to it. I realised that if the people around me makes me feel like rubbish, i'll really feel like rubbish. So If you don't wanna feel like rubbish, be around people that are hyper! Exciting! Hope it works out! =)

  3. These days there are pills the doc can prescribe that will make you feel good again. Don't try to fight a war alone. See a doctor and ask for a referral to a psychiatrist. You'll be fine.

  4. create change

  5. If you can afford it see a Doc.Or buy St. Johns Wort.

    This is a widespread problem lately.Could be rise in price of goods,or earths dying magnetic field.

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