
Whats with this dumb thing telling me I have too much punctuation?

by  |  earlier

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I'll punctuate my question how I darn well want to. And it's trying to act all friendly, going "Hmmm... looks like you have too much punctuation =) *pat on head*." Oops! It looks like you have 2 misspelling(s)!"

Ooops, do I? Well I dont give.




  1. There are so many people with bad manners on yahoo - just ignore them!

  2. It's ok, just ignore it. I always encounter it every time I am typing an answer. It's a funny thing to put on Y! A.


  3. Yeah, I know what you mean. Annoying, isn't it?  I wish it had only the "Open Spell Checker" option for a person to use after completing and before posting. I'm pretty careful about errors, and in general, a good speller. Still, I'll sometimes misspell a word or make a minor typo that I don't catch. I don't like that "instant" message, either.  

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