
Whats with this fad about $%^&#$ Lil Wayne and these stupid lyrics?? Is Hip-hop just getting worse every year?

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What happened to the old school where there was meaning?




  1. And then we wonder why kids are going around shooting and stabbing eachother-UK. (P.s I couldn't bring myself to listen to the lyrics as I'm just presuming the're as dreadful and drivelling as I assume they are,much like other tunes of this genre)

  2. lil wayne is tha big sh*t rite now his new songs lollipop and a milli are a great hit so idk why u sayin bul*sh*t bout lil wayne

  3. Lil Wayne, Souilja Boy and Kanye killed hip hop.  Immortal Technique, Jedi Mind Tricks and Dead Prez is the only reality left.  TURN OFF THE RADIO

  4. omg i can not stand the way people idolize him.compelete ignorence!

  5. The Original Old School Hip hop didn't really have meaning either.

    Hip-hop has since the beginning been relatively stupid. Although there are some artists who do have good songs and good lyrics with meaning most are just comerical c**p. Lil Wayne is not all bad. He does have some songs [most of which underground unreleased and not on the radio] that are good with meaningful lyrics. Hip-hop as a genre is dying and I for one contribute it to suburban america eating up the bullshit that is marketed to them.

  6. hip hop lyrics are getting pretty stupid. look at a song like "Souljah Boy." or "YAAAA." just dumb.  BUT, what matters is the BEAT .. not the lyrics. So I still like a lot of the music with dumb lyrics. Luckily, there are still rappers with great lyrics, and their stuff sells, even if the beats aren't on par. So it goes both ways.

  7. though lil wayne lyrics are lacking his rhyme style is really good.

    yes rap is getting worse every year. you should listen to artist like common, the roots,  kanye west, and outkast. they are the best your gonna get

  8. AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I totally agree with you. Tribe Called Quest (HAD MEANING!) where are these kinds of lyrics...........

    I feel ya. There are a few good ones out there, but they are usually few and far between and not on the radio, and they don't have annoying ladies dancing shaking their asses up on the camera..........

  9. i guess hiphop artists are just running out of ideas.

    alot of songs do have meaning if you can relate to them, even if it seems like they dont.

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