
Whats with this number - is it a message?

by  |  earlier

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ok the number 10.11 keeps following me, whenever I look at a clock it says 10.11 even if its 10.10 it will turn just as I look at it, if I look at a digital clock upside down, like my phone at work whilst its in my drawer at 1 min past 11 all I see is 10.11, if i go into someone elses car their digital display on the radio will say 1011, does it mean 10th November does it mean a time, what could it mean, may I add its the time I was born - spooky!! my bf says im imagining it but I dont think so as its happened enough to actually grab my attention, has this ever happened to you




  1. alot of people are known to experience this. it may just be your biological clock at certain times of the day. i wouldn't worry much on it.

  2. Yes!!! I saw a Tales Of The Unexpected in 1979 about a bloke obsessed with multiples of 9 (279, 729, 927, 972 etc) and it drove him crazy and he .. well in case the story is updated and remade I wont ruin the plot but it was SCARY!!!!!). Anyway, the episode kind of unhinged me because that day my Dad asked me to reverse my sisters car on to a ramp as he was a mechanic and was putting a new exhaust on and I was fooling around with the ignition switch and the car was in gear and it started and I nearly killed my Dad because he was under the car at the time. The registration plate of the car had the number 729 in it and form that day on for about a year everywhere I looked was a 279, a 297, a 972 or any other multiple of 9 EVERYWHERE I glanced. Totally unhinged me because I couldn't help but wonder - what does this mean???????

    29 years later I'm still trying to figure it out.

  3. Doesn't mean a thing except that you're obsessing on it.

    When you see every other number and combination of numbers you don't notice it. So you notice 10:11 only and forget the rest.

    If you tracked things, you'd see that you see all the other numbers and combinations.

    Whenever I see my birth-date or year, it's sort of like it's in neon -- it stands out. That's all that's going on with you.

  4. 1t's scary,but it's just a coincidence  

    Only random chance

    1 wouldn't worry


  5. I used to wake up the same time many nights and the clock would say the same time.  I think you are thinking about this too much.  Maybe you are subconsciously looking for those numbers.  I don't think it means anything so don't become obsessed with it, like in that movie, the number 23.

  6. I've read that this happens often to people because at first you may notice the number two or three times, you will then subconciously start to look for this number everywhere, it's normal. Hope that helped =]

  7. means nothing...I get it with 11.11. I read an article a while ago where this phsycologist had noticed it and had done a study into it..loads of people notice the same thing. Its not that you see that number more often,'s just because it is a familiar pattern so when you do see it it sticks out.

  8. you are an idiot.

  9. believe it or not - the same thing has been happening to me for over a year - the number 29 has been following me - it freaks me out so much - I'm guessing it could be a sign but it's everywhere and it has been following me for such a long time now!

    I was born on the 29th aswell - its so significant in my life!

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