
Whats with this??? ?

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For the past two years or so, I have had this horrible dream about breast cancer at least once a week. In my dream I am in my mid-to-late 20s (I am 18 now) and I find out I have breast cancer and only a short time to live. Then, in my dream, I decide to fight the cancer with all the different procedures and such that is the usual treatment. But I still die. Sometimes it feels so real that I almost feel the pain. Every time I have this dream I wake up scared and crying. Sometimes I am sweatig and other times freezing. It feels so real that it takes me a minute to realize it is just a dream. I don't have any idea why I keep having this dream. I don't know anyone with breast cancer and I am perfectly healthy. Because it is causing me to be unable to fall asleep and interupting my sleeping pattern I am afraid it will cause eventual physical problems. Any ideas or comments??




  1. well, breast cancer is common with older women. but you really have nothing to worry about, you chances are very slim of getting breast cancer right now.

    your dream probably means that you live with a lot of fear and worry. your scared of the future, of the possibilities. it's just some anxiety running through your head, lot's of us have it.unfortunately, i get dreams like that too.

    good luck.

  2. I would say there is something in your daily life that is causing you anxiety.

    Have you been putting off a physical exam which could be causing some anxiety about your own health.  Has a love one died?

    Being 18 someone might suggest that you are mourning the death of your childhood.  Think about it.  Are you confident and enjoying young adulthood.  Are you proud of your body.

    Probably wouldn't hurt to talk to someone about it.

    Figure out what is making you anxious and tackle it head on.

  3. Talk to your doctor and asked to be sent for a mammogram.  Good luck.

  4. Raquel, if worst comes to worst, you will be so exhausted that you will have the best sleep you have ever had. So don't fear not sleeping.

    You're a young lady who is dreaming about breast cancer. It is a figure for disfigurement, and a symbol of something you dread as being horrible and potentially terminal. Something in your life right now is making you feel vulnerable and you feel powerless against it's power.

    Does that remind you of anything in your life right now?  
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