For the past two years or so, I have had this horrible dream about breast cancer at least once a week. In my dream I am in my mid-to-late 20s (I am 18 now) and I find out I have breast cancer and only a short time to live. Then, in my dream, I decide to fight the cancer with all the different procedures and such that is the usual treatment. But I still die. Sometimes it feels so real that I almost feel the pain. Every time I have this dream I wake up scared and crying. Sometimes I am sweatig and other times freezing. It feels so real that it takes me a minute to realize it is just a dream. I don't have any idea why I keep having this dream. I don't know anyone with breast cancer and I am perfectly healthy. Because it is causing me to be unable to fall asleep and interupting my sleeping pattern I am afraid it will cause eventual physical problems. Any ideas or comments??