
Whats with this trend? Fast food places not offering ketchup, napkins etc, in Drive Thru?

by Guest62731  |  earlier

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I went to KFC last night and ordered a whole bunch of strips.

After i paid, the drive-thru person shoved my food out the window while on the head set with another order. I had to wait there till somebody noticed me to ask for dipping sauces for my strips, for napkins also.

Its not just KFC, most fast food places are doing this.

Are they trying to save money?

Has anyone else noticed this?




  1. i suddenly got the craving for potatoe wedges from kfc

  2. ask yourself for them, they are not going to baby you, they have lots of things to be doing at one time so if u want a sauce ask for it. don't act like uv never done it before and you don't know how a drive Thru works.


    and EXCUSE YOU lady, not everyone is stupid ok, im gettin ready for college and have been well educated thank you, we dont have time for ignorant people like yourself.

  3. haha its better than taco bell when they ask if you want any sauce and I clearly answer NO. I get home and theres at least 10 packets of sauce. It happens everytime.. or any of them when they ask if you want ketchup and you say no.. you get home and theres a good 10 packets of that too.

  4. Yes, it has happened to me, too.  The annoying thing was when I asked for ketchup the guy gave me like 3 things of it.  OK.  This was for my value meal AND two Happy Meals.  Three?  Um, OK...

  5. well if you keep having this problem, that start asking for it, when you make your order!

  6. This, like the other question of asking whether fast food places are using too much ice, is old news. McDonalds, for example, adds ketchup on request, but always adds napkins.

    One reason a lot of places ended the practice is because a lot of the packets were just getting thrown out. They cost money. Most places will now ask if you want the condiment(s).

    Sounds like your order taker was not well organized (or well trained).

  7. ive noticed, theyre jus tryna get chu out of der, or they ahv suckish workerz and they're stupid.

  8. Yeah, but if they don't give me what I need or ordered, I sit there until they ask what I need.  It is rude of them to not ask before turning their attention elsewhere.  I know they are busy and have to move, move, move, but that's how places lose business, by not caring about completely satisfying the customers.  You could go in and complain sometime.  You'd probably get an appology and some free food, lol!

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