
Whats worse, being 17 and the whole country finding out your pregnant or that your parent's named you Bristol?

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I feel very sorry for this girl. She is obviously having a hard time of it, growing up in a family that is staunchly against abortion, finding herself pregnant, having the whole world know about and having to get married.

But as an English person, I find it very strange that 17 years ago, her parents decided to call her Bristol...have they ever been there? Do they know how unexotic it looks? And its connections with the slave trade? It definitely ranks as a worse name than Brooklyn or Paris...




  1. If the mother had twins, she could brag she had a lovely pair of Bristols!

    Getting preg.always on the cards after s*x.

  2. this part: ....finding herself pregnant, having the whole world know about and having to get married.  

  3. i think it rather humanize's the family.shows that they have the same problems everyone else faces

  4. Maybe I'm just mean but I don't feel bad for her at all....Especially about the pregnant part, if you're having s*x you should know that pregnancy is always a possibility

  5. I certainly am glad neither of my parents were not politicians.  I would have hated my "exploits" to be fodder for the media in this country.

    It actually humanises the candidate.  Politicians aren't gods.  They're families are mortal, just like the rest of us.  It's too bad our media has to make such a big deal of it.

  6. Actually both are as bad but look at the bright side.... She is ALIVE

  7. Being pregnant at 17 with everyone knowing is worse. I have heard of some pretty strange names. But I don't think a name should matter too much

  8. pregnant at 17 definitely.

    maybe her parents were NASCAR race fans and named her after the track. either way though it's still bad

  9. i feel sorry for her

  10. Being pregnant. The candidates families should be left alone.

    I looked up Bristol, it says it's an Old English name meaning meeting place by the bridge. Of course it also says it's a boys name

  11. being called Bristol , thats a life sentence lol !

  12. the pregnant part;


  13. Well the guy's name is Levi.. I guess they're a perfect match? lol

  14. The girl named bristol. The first girl i don't feel sorry for she should have thought  about using a condom.

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