
Whats worse: Getting 4 teeth pulled or getting 4 fillings?

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I have to get 4 teeth pulled in like two hours.Ive gotten 4 fillings,but im SCARED TO DEATH this is gonna hurt.I hate pain,and get scared very easily




  1. Do the best you can to relax, it will make it easier.

    If you want, the assistant will hold your hand during this.

    It is best to get all four of them done, so you can recover all at once.

  2. To have your teeth pulled will not be too bad. You shouldn't feel anything, but afterwards you will be a little sore. This should only last for one-two days. Just watch what you eat afterwards. Soup would be the best and easiest to eat, but a little pasta is fine too (Spaghetti, ravioli...)

    I hope everything goes well.

  3. my sister got like 5 pulled at once.. she was like 11 or 12 at the time.. she said itwasn't't that bad.. they numb you and give pain meds.. she said the thing that hurt the most was the shot to numb her gums.. but idk.. good luck..

  4. Ask if they can use laughing gas to help keep you calm. I'm sure they'll give you something for pain too. Relax you'll be fine.

  5. no pain really, just a feeling of immense pressure on the jaw....

    the worst part really is the blood on the pillow when you go to bed and also not been able to eat what you want for a couple of days....

    Fillings are less hassle to have done...

    Dont listen to those people telling you to take sedatives....they're not necessary....

  6. What mandurah said. Go see your doc and get some diazepam. I've never had a tooth pulled yet but had fillings and at the moment between appts having two root canals. I felt nervous and used to manage just with gum freezing but someone suggested I get sedatives. Now I have, and wondered why I put myself through nervousness before when I could have taken diazepam. I'm taking my MP3 at next appt too so can chill out while he does the rest of the work. I was a fool for not thinking of that before. Hope all goes well for you.

  7. If you can get into see your doctor ask for some diazepam - my doctor gives it to me - so i dont punch the dentist lol

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