
Whats worse in your opinion, Alchohol or cigarettes?

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I think smoking is worse,.





    That link summarizes one study...there are lots if you Google the words " costs alcohol tobacco"

    If you combine ALL costs (not just how many ER visits, hospital days etc)...from health, social assistance, policing etc....alcohol comes out as "worse" than tobacco.

    It just makes sense.  More people overall drink than smoke. While smoking is associated with bad diseases like COPD and lung cancer, those things take many years to show up.

    Alcohol can get you into bad trouble the first time you try it...say if you get drunk and drive into a telephone pole. Alcoholism also tends to affect more of your friends and families and has significant social costs.  Alcoholics may live for many years with their disease, having frequent interaction with the health systems, law and order etc.

    Alcohol is by far a much worse drug than tobacco, cocaine, heroin, crystal meth if you look at ALL costs.

  2. ..Alcohol attacks the liver...cigarettes attack the lungs and every one else around you.... their both danerous

  3. alcohol because it effects you in more way then health. booze can make you do stupid stuff that can land you in jail, or kill you along with others. Its unfair to say which is worst for your health.

  4. smoking is far worse in the long wronge and you should ever start but alcohol can be deadly right away... many more people die every year smoking then alcohol..

  5. cigarettes

  6. Alcohol  drinking to much just one time can change your life

    unwanted s*x.. or unwanted child from wanted s*x.. embarrassing your self

  7. both are bad, but alcohol is worse. people tend to get behind the wheel and danger themselfs and others, cigaretts are only harming yourself, and you make that choice.

  8. If you are talking about daily consumption, I think that alcohol is worse because it's too hard on the liver, which eventually gives out- and it will give out, leading to toxic build up in the body that slowly destroys all the other organs.  Smoking will do damage, but it can take decades for the slightest damage to appear and major injury may never occur.  Major damage from daily alcohol consumption is a definite, while major damage from cigarette smoking does not happen to everyone.

  9. Alchohol makes you drunk, when you are drunk you want to drive, when you drink and drive you are not only putting yourself in danger, but others.

    smoking mainly only hurts the person that is smoking. but it is still bad for you

  10. they both can be deadly. but smoking is worse by far.

  11. both for me


  13. I agree. If you smoke you get COPD, (wipes out your lungs) and that's hard to combat. Better to drink; liver tissue regenerates.

  14. Alcohol. Why?  Much harder to stop it if one does become an alcoholic. Cigarettes are just a stimulant, but alcohol is food. Body gets use to it so much, so easy, due to the complex sugars in alcohol. To give up, the body is actually starving.

  15. Mmm... I'm gonna have to go with both.  They both do irreparable damage pretty quickly.  Marijuana is a better alternative.  Comparably, at least it's worth getting addicted to.

  16. Alchohol damages your liver and Cigarettes damage your lungs.

    Both are harmful and hazardous to health.

  17. Honestly, both have negative qualities.

    But I don't agree with everyone saying that 'cigarettes only harm the person smoking".

    Second-hand smoke people! You're lungs can deteriorate just from being in an environment where people smoke a lot.

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