
Whats worst drinking beer or smoking?

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Whats worst drinking beer or smoking?




  1. depends on what your smokin'.......... if its tobacco (cigarettes), then smoking is worse. but if your smokin green, then beer is worse cuz weed is not harmful in anyway

  2. Mixing them

    If you smoke, eventually you will die because of this.(lungs will be the target)

    If you drink, same thing will happen. but your liver is the target.

    If you mix them, you will be counting your days here on earth. :-)

  3. BOTH--drinking beer or any alcohol only KILLS your liver (cirrhosis)--not to mention gives you  a "beer gut", bad breath, loss of memory, loss of motor skills (moving that is, not driving), maybe killing someone because you thought you COULD drive--and smoking gives you CANCER.  If you're smart, don't get started on either one and save yourself tons of money , and your family tons of grief as you lay dying. It's not fun watching your loved ones dying from lung cancer (believe me, I know. My dad died from it, and now my mom has a chronic breathing disorder--COPD--from smoking for 54 years and has to use oxygen to breathe 24/7/365).

        It may look "cool" now, but in the end, you only end up in a hole , 6 feet deep.

  4. smoking---the damage is long term. and non-repair-able

  5. Whilst I would say smoking generally as it damages you and others (passive smoking) and is linked to things like SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) plus a lot of people hate it and it's anti-social.

    Quantity however may affect your answer.  A pack a day habit and one beer, smoking.  Two packs a day and a carton / slab of beer well take your pick really.  One cigarette a day and two slabs / cartons, then drinking is most damaging.

  6. smoking because drinking beer could mean a can of beer while a cigarette can affect the breathing of everyone around you

  7. Smoking. Not only do you harm yourself, you harm the people around you.

  8. smokeing future!!!!!!because u can die like that

  9. Anything that is abused and cause death is a worst. There is neither a better or worse one. They both cause death.

  10. catch 22 lol worse is smoking only when you drink

  11. Smoking cut short your life and cause damage alot important body organs. And it also give your surrounding friends and relatives indirect smoking impact. Overall no advantage gain.

    <<Easy Saying>>

    You smoke you die alone don''t let another healthy person die together with you.


    Drinking "burn" your stomach and raise your body temperature that may cause Brain damage. But some cold countries require to "drink" for keeping the body warm due to sudden season change.  There is minor advantage about drinking.

    <<Easy Saying>>

    Drink a cup a day the most. Ya, you can drink but please do not over do it.

    Lastly Drink Please do not Drive.

    Answer: Drink Vs Smoke  == Smoking More Worst

    Alan Wong

  12. if its an addiction, smoking

    a beer every now and then is ok, same with a smoke

    but a smoke is addictive

    so i guess smoking is worse

  13. smoking

    One its a nasty habit and it kills more brain cells then beer

  14. Smoking for sure.

  15. I would have to say smoking just because of the short-term effects such as alcohol poisoning or because of the high number of deaths caused by drunk driving. However in long term effects, liver disease and kidney stones don't occur as often as lung cancer and emphysema.

  16. smoking... dont do it!!!

  17. depends on what you are smoking!

  18. smoking by far smoking kills more people then alcohol and drugs combined

  19. smoking

  20. SMOKING!

  21. Smoking.

  22. smoking. i hate it.

  23. dont do both of them.   smoking kills, and beer can kill other people around you if you get drunk and other stuff

  24. Smoking definitely. A beer here and there won't kill you. However, smoking (even a few cigarettes a day) CAN lead to lung cancer.

  25. smoking. no doubt about it

  26. Smoking.  Definitely.  Beer doesn't give me lung cancer for sitting next to you.

  27. i think beer...but maybe cause im a smoker lol

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