
Whats would be a good country to move to before the U.S.A goes to h**l?

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Canada? Iceland? Finland? (I heard people in finland were pretty quiet and laid-back) Australia? Easter Island? Any other suggestions? Thx, looking forward to your responses.




  1. LOL let's all be illegal immigrants! That'll show 'em!

    I would imagine that the countries with similar amenities to ours would be either the UK or Canada.

  2. I'm from Britain and although at times I think we suck at a few things, I wouldn't imagine saying my home country can go to h**l or say it's c**p.

    Each country has it's advantages and disadvantages. Finland and Iceland have some of the highest tax rates in the world. Canada is sparsely populated etc.

    Australia would be a good place to go but it's difficult getting a visa to work there unless you have skills to benefit the country.

  3. After watching the movie Sicko, I think I would try France. Their healthcare system beats ours in Canada by miles (oops, sorry, kilometers) and the food is great too.

    Although I am extremely grateful to live in Canada, and especially British Columbia, it is very expensive to live here, and it is becoming really overcrowded, and we are losing our healthcare more and more all the time. Our housing costs are exhorbitant, and taxes are high, especially on things like gas (which would be fine if we had a good alternative like electric cars or a feasible transit system - Toronto does, but Vancouver's sucks) , our politicians are complacent at best, and our climate leaves much to be desired. However, I'd much rather live here than in the U.S., (although every time I visit California, I seem to change my mind.)

    Places like Australia and Sweden merit more research though.

  4. When you find out let me know ok


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