
Whats wrong w/ my child?

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I have a 5 yr old son he is my life and i luv him SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much. But lately he has been soooo squirmy, i have to tell him to stop a thousand times, he he runs around singing songs from movies in really annoying hgigh pitched voices, he runs around in circles uncontrollably, what do i do to calm him down?




  1. Cut artificial dyes out of his diet, Red dye can make kids nuts. Its even worse than caffeine for them.  

  2. don't give him attention

    then he would come to you and he will be quiet

  3. Cut down on the sugar and get him a psychical hobby to do to drain some of that energy.

  4. Welcome to parenthood!

  5. Sounds like a healthy five year old boy to me!

    Have you ever read Beezus and Ramona by Beverly Clearly or the Fudge books? You might read them to your son and enjoy (for yourself) the knowledge that weirdness at the age of 4-5 years is pretty standard. So much that many books have been written about it. You might even jot some of these idiosyncrasies down and make a book of your own--it could be lucrative!

    All joking aside, if you are worried about his behavior, you might work first on his diet. You might be surprised how much diet can impact a child's behavior.

    Here's a link to one program (mind you, I'm not saying it sounds like ADHD):

    Food sensitivities and allergies can really impact mood and attention span. I'm just now learning this as an adult. I feel 100% better without some foods. Just a thought :)

  6. My sister's son is 8 and if he eats anything with sugar in it, he turns into a little monster that can't sit still, shut up or basically calm himself down at all for about an hour. He ate a cupcake the other evening and transformed into a complete brat in the space of about 5 minutes. It was amazing to see because before he ate it, he was normal and fine. Afterwards, he was horrible. Try it with your son and see what happens.  

  7. That's kind of how my son used to be.  I changed his diet around.  It's mostly organic food and NO high fructose corn syrup.  And I put him in taekwondo.  He's 7 now, and doing MUCH better!

  8. He just sounds like a typical five year old. I think he needs more physical activity. take him for a bike ride or to the playground. When my kids are real hyper that usually means they are bored so i take them to the park for about an hour and after that they are fine.  

  9. Probably he is getting to much sugar.  Change his diet and limit starches and sugars.  Also food coloring can be bad.  Buy a bread machine and make homemade wheat bread to avoid high fructose corn syrup.  Its in everything not homemade and it soooooo bad for you.  Also aspartame is horrible.  If he eats a lot of fast food and processed food he might be allergic to it.  

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