
Whats wrong with a rich successful man wanting to have as many wives as he wants?

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I understand its very risky putting them all in the same house, but what if he separated them...maybe put each of his wife in a different suburb\state? should be easier then right?




  1. Really???? Are you really asking this?? Ok, for one, it's morally and ethically wrong. For two, it's completely selfish. For three, it's illegal. There ya go.

  2. As long as he can support multiple wives and the army of children they will breed, fine. But such a man is limited to about .00087% of the male population of the world.

    And a woman should be able to do the same. One husband to do domestic duties, one husband for hot s*x, one husband for cuddling, one husband for conversation. Why should we have to get all we need out of just one man?

  3. In that kind of marriage, the man often chooses a new wife with the other(s) having no say in it. As a result, there is often a lot of competition and jealousy between the women. If the man wants to spend his time dealing with women who don't like each other, then that's his choice.

  4. There's nothing wrong with him wanting anything!  However, the chances of him finding women who are willing to live that kind of life are very low.

  5. They'd be catty and always carrying on.

  6. I could not give a t**d in a toilet what someone else, rich or poor, wants to do.  But for tax and insurance purposes, I want our government to recognize only one wife.

    HOwever, let me put it to you another way.  Suppose your father wanted to dump your mother for a newer / better model, spoiling whatever inheritance prospects the two of you have?

  7. Nothing as long as the women want it to.  Of course there are not a lot of women looking for this kind of relationship but they are out there.  Its never bad to want something because it builds character. This information though should be first date disclosure.  I know that if a man had ever told me that it would be the last date.

  8. Nothing. If he can afford them all, go for it.

  9. Well aside from the moral implications ie women are people, not a collector's item...

    I'll warn you... a bunch of women living in the same home tend to sync up on a monthly basis.

    This may not be as fun as you think.

  10. The thing is, we, on western world, believe marriage (and love) is an exclusive thin that just happen between two persons. I don't see my self loving several husbands.  

  11. Please spare us all and don't reproduce.

    *duck tapes legs together*

  12. How people choose to live is none of my, your, or the government's business.

    The government should stay out of people's personal lives.  

    If he or she can afford 10 or 50 wives or husbands, she/he should have them.

  13. That sounds great to me.  I doubt that you can find that kind of women unless you are willing to be part of a religion.  I love fantasy, don't you?  If your serious and you have the money, I'll give you my number and we can start reproducing right now baby.

    P.S. I expect a lot in return though, I refuse to live in poverty.

  14. Not many men are capable of taking care of more than one wife (not just financially supporting her, but also giving her enough attention, and giving her children enough attention).  If a man can do this, he should be free to take as many wives as he wants, as long as they are all of age,consenting, and know about his other wives.  Also, women should be allowed to have multiple husbands (both to prevent the system from being sexist and to prevent a situation where there are a disproportionate number of single men.)

    This is allowed now; a person can have multiple common-law or religious-law spouses; the practice is called "polyamory."

  15. Really, there is nothing wrong with having multiple girlfriends, so long as they are aware of the situation and OK with it.  I have personally found that young professional type women are the most open to this arrangement.  They don't have a lot of time on their hands.  They certainly don't want to have to deal with your S**t every day of the week.  What they want is to have instant fun when they have the time.  I have in the past had multiple girlfriends which would just call when they wanted to go out.  It doesn't work very well all the time for everyone.  People start to get attached to each other, then they get jealous, then it ends often in a bitter way.  You can't have more than one wife.  You can have more than one girlfriend.  I don't really recommend it unless you intend to commit to the art of keeping people happy and conflict resolution.  Actually, I don't really recommend it at all.

  16. One wife can cause financial ruin, with many he won't be rich long and that would be just plain wrong !

  17. It's against secular law in my jurisdiction and would probably not be desirable for the wives, but it would be in keeping with sound evolutionary principles in the interest of producing the most fit offspring.

    Evolutionarily speaking, it would be much more rational than a monogamous relationship.

    Socially speaking, it probably wouldn't work out too well for the ladies.

    There's nothing scientifically wrong with this.

  18. I dont have a problem with polygamy, legally or religiously.

    It's a person's choice, IMO.  

    However once again, this is an example of.....I wouldn't limit anothers freedoms...but personally for me or my daughter umm h**l no.

    ..another note...I do have a problem with prearranged marriages and women being "sold" into such situations.  If they are making the choice, I'm ok with it.

    Besides, most men cant keep up with one woman...let alone a gaggle of them

    ; )

    Todd: you killed your wife, not off to a great start on collecting them. hu?

  19. Nothing - as long as I can have as many husbands as I want. Tall, hot men working and waiting for me. Gimme Gimme Gimme.

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