
Whats wrong with fred?

by  |  earlier

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I have a 15 year old cat named fred, we cant afford to take him to the vet, cause were very poor, and im only 13 and dont know our vets number so dont say call the vet. Can someone tell me whats wrong with him, heres whats wrong with him, but i just need to know if its really serious:

1. Hes skinney

2. Hes deaf

3. He keeps following me around meowing like crazy

4. He sneezes ever 5mins and he breathes really heavily




  1. Your cat probobly has an over active thyroid gland, which causes him to be skinny. There is a medication to help that. A lot of old cats can have kidney disease leading to kidney failure. Again, medication would help but not cure it. Give him canned cat food, make sure he has a lot of water.

    If your cat is not eating and getting skinnier, and you can't afford to medicate him, at least have a veterinarian put him to sleep. Don't let him suffer.


  2. That is VERY old for a cat so I really hate to tell that it might be his time to go. As for the vet I understand that you don't have enough money to go to the vet but if you have a phone book you can look his number. GOOD LUCK!

  3. he is just really old my cat who died a year ago was 19 we had to put her down but she was deaf and blind. He probably wants attention from you if he is meowing and following you around. My cat was skinny but that didn't mean we starved her she was just old and bony. So i hope your cat is ok and try paying attention to him. I hope this helps
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