
Whats wrong with him? Please Help?

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My husband is driving me crazy... When we have s*x it only last like one minute... and we only have s*x like 4 times a month. I wouldn't mind doing it more but for some reason I know that he's pleasure himself... I Don't know what to do we got in a big fight last night about it I don't know what to do about it makes me fell horriable about myself, does anyone have any advice, Please dont be rude. Thank you.




  1. I'm sorry, I completely understand how you feel.

    The important thing to remember about marriage is....that your partner is your best friend. You won't always have matching s*x drives or the energy to perform.

    I suggest you find the root of the problem? Is he too tired to go for longer? Is he having difficulity with his tool?  Alot of times people gain weight and then are too tired, or men can have difficulty maintaining an errection.

    What about pleasuring yourself? Do you have any toys? I think its imoportant to experiement with yourself so you can decide what feels best to your body. I know for me, I have a hard time getting my body ready for action, I need alot of stimulation and he needs only to look at me & he's ready.

    About the fight, he's probably going to be very sensitive about this and feel like he's not good enough, men are very sensitive about this. I would apologise and explain to him, you'd like to work on romance so you can get yours too.

  2. wear s**y s h i t

  3. If you had a fight about it, that doesn't sound good.  You need to figure a way to communicate with him so you can do some experimental things during s*x to see what stimulates him.

    You gotta figure a way for you to pleasure him which is at least equal to him pleasuring himself.  I don't know specifically what that would be cuz all people are different.  This is why you gotta experiment until you find things that work.

    But you can't figure this unless you two can communicate about it somehow.

  4. the key is communication. both of you need to understand the cause of his quick response. may be you should consult a professional to rule any medical( physical or mental causes). many married also pleasure themselves. being married does not mean one should not rule out pleasuring oneself. You should try communicating what you feel to him to increase the frequency of s*x you should try to create more time for just the both of you.  create the mood use music, use a lot of physical contact, this helps especially when one is going thru a tough time. I am sure all will be fine. All the best!

  5. take it slow, he probly finishes so fast cause hes always jackin and probly tries to finish as fast as posible

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