
Whats wrong with me, I cant control my actions or what I say sometimes when I'm mad?

by  |  earlier

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Like I try to control myself, and I just blurt things out, horrible things. Then I feel really horrible afterwards and I hate myself for being so stupid. Lately I've been getting more physically violent/ I'm really scared of myself, What can I do?

I do try to control it, but I cant.




  1. you probably have bipolar...they are really similar but bipolar makes you violent and you get angry quicker than normal people or anything?

  2. you just mite be bipolar.

  3. I think everyone does that. I kind of had the same question. I am the same way (but I have not been diagnosed with anything like that.) I HOPE everyone does that, at least.....

  4. You are a teenager!  That is what teenagers do.  Don't worry - we all go through a weird stage.  When your hormones have calmed down, so will you.

  5. huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!...


  7. I think you should talk to your parents about this, tell them how you feel. I f you cant talk to them maybe you could talk to your doctor. I  think that you are being very mature about seeing there is a problem and wanting to do something about it! I hope you have someone you trust and feel comfortable with in order to address the issue.

  8. I do the exact same thing.(oh yeah I'm a teenager too if that helps).It's like I'll get mad over the stupidest things and then say something I don't even mean...but then a little while later I'll feel bad about it of course.You should probably get someone to talk to,thats my advice,I have someone to talk to and I always feel a little better.Well hope that helps!

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