
Whats wrong with me, (TMI about bowel movements)?

by Guest58760  |  earlier

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im sorry this is gross but i wanted to know if i should worry...

i usually have 1 normal BM every 2 days, but the past week i have had 2 each day and they are loose and yellow/green...also, they are the kind that when they hit you have to go asap! can this be the start of something serious, my diet has not changed and im not taking any drugs/supplements. thanks for your input.

once again im sorry for TMI but i dont have a doctor to call or insurance at the time.




  1. Yellow, runny-ish stools are merely p**p that didn't spend enough time hanging around in the large intestines.

    You might just have a bug.

    Drink LOTS of fluids. If this continues for the next week or so, go see a doctor just to get a check up and mention your BM issue.  

  2. It seems like you just have some diahrea. It's nothing major, it could have just been something you ate thats bothering you. (or sometimes to much cool-aid) so just keep hydrated and talk to your family doctor if it doesn't go away soon (:

  3. Could be a slight bug you picked up, in the air. These things go around. Do you have any fever? Swollen glands, cramping, nausea, vomitting? If yes then maybe you have a sligh case if gastroenteritis.Have as much water as possible,and dont have any dairy products. If it persists tho, you have to go see a doc.

  4. u could have ibs irritable bowel syndrome it causes this if ur stressed or really tired I've had it since i was 17 i'm now 26

  5. In my opinion there is nothing wrong with the frequency. And what you eat does determine the bowel movements.

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