
Whats wrong with me,do i have a mental illness?

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iim 13, have a very wierd mind.i dont think like others.all the time i think about very complex stuff,like why we exist and how life is just a whole bunch of opinions and paradoxes,it started like 4 years ago and it keeps getting worse .,somtimes i cant sleep cuz of it.and i actually think ive come up with the awnsers to some of these questions,but when i try to tell people i cant think of the words to put it in,or they just think im crazy.i cant even tell u right now about the intelligent things i think about cuz i cant word them right,i cant even tell a doctor.and this makes me so frustraited cuz i wanna just let it out and tell people but i cant .im also very creative and imaginitive and poetic.plz tell me if theres somthin wrong cuz its starting to make me deppressed




  1. I am like that, I always think of where everything came from, why we exist, what life means exactly.

    There are some things that I think about that are too complex that I can't even explain them at all, mostly having to do with the feeling of it and a deeper understanding of it.

    I like it though, it makes me feel like I can think beyond what's seen on the surface, even if I can't see through stereograms lol

    but it's a good thing, it means you're smart, mostly right-brained

  2. i dont think you have a mental illness from what you said but you may need some help shuting your brain down so you can sleep

  3. I don't know if anything is wrong with you, but you definitely need to write down some of your amazing insights and thoughts as soon as you have them so you will not forget them. This could be a gift, I don't know. But you must start keeping a written record of it.

    If it turns out to be some kind of mental problem, then the written record will come in handy if you have to see a doctor in the future. But I tend to think you are just a deep thinker and its possible you are coming up with ideas and answers that will benefit humanity. Write it down. It will help you to get it out of your head and on paper.  

  4. You're simply human. Everyone has those thought, you just happen to think about it in more detail than others. Don't worry about it. Thinking is a really good thing that more people should really try.

  5. Thats happened to me but no where near as bad. Like everyone says the Big-bang formed the universe but what came before that? etc. stuff like that.

  6. It sounds like how i was when I first became bipolar

  7. Honey relax.. you dont have an illness you have a gift. It may seem overwhelming but thats because you are so young, you have little experience to mesh with the thoughts you are having. I dont know if we think the same or what you think at all, but, I have always been like that, when all my friends were all superficial and stupid, I was talking to older people who actually had some insight and could talk to me about things that actually mattered. Is there  god? Is there a purpose? What path am I to choose and how will I know if Im right? WHATS THE POINT?? lol, seriously it gets intense. I have a friend though that helps me with all of it. You may benefit from the same things I do if we are on the same page. You need to relax. That is key. You should really look into meditation and yes, definitly write, I am a singer, guitar player, songwriter, it's therapeutic. I have been writing very emotional, deep, since i was 9 years old. It does go along with being creative, the way you feel.Please dont be depressed, embrace it. Dont be brought down by others that do not understand, if they dont, tell them nevermind, because you will get that same "uh huh" look and head nod no matter what you say. I am rambling, but truly you are ok. If you would like my e-mail, let me know. Or my messenger name is bugsbaby23 if you ever want to chat add me. Have a good night and relax.  

  8. Yeah, I think I know exactly what your talking about. I'm 12 and I think about all these things like the universe and life and all that. My dad is the one who brought up all these ideas to me and hes not crazy. I think its pretty normal to be curious about these things. I can't help you with letting your feelings out.  All I can say is your not alone and there's nothing wrong. I have a lot of thoughts I can't express through word. And if your thinking about life and why we exist, then idk if thats a religion or what but you might want to look into and see if your thoughts have been, well, thought of. Lol. I hope this helped.

  9. Wow.. from what I read from your question description, I'm thinking you seem to be more mature for your age. Many kids at your age tend to think about the most simple stuff, but you are very unique. If you think this is affecting you in a bad way, then try to think about stuff that aren't so complicated. I know it's not very easy to do that, but just try. If you feel that expressing all your thoughts and opinions about the natural world, feel free to go to a website that will allow you to do it for free.  

  10. You might be an alien i might be wrong though lol

    seriously though... that just means your intelligent, and you are to young to put it in words. you have questions, your curious.. its that or your an alien, and your human body cant comprehend your knowlege.  

  11. You have no mental problem. You are just a teenager with a very active mind. That is a good thing! That shows some level of intelligence! Write these things down! Who knows?! You may wind up being a great poet or writer. Embrace your mind!

    As far as feeling different from everyone...that comes with being 13. And if you are lucky is will stay that way! I know I pride myself on being different from the masses. ( Especially since most people aren't too bright! ) =D

    You are fine honey. Good luck to you.  

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