
Whats wrong with me,i am stalking a married man..?

by  |  earlier

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I fooled around with a married man and he stopped talking to me.He is a bus driver so i find myself going to bus stations were his bus goes just to see his face.I alys hide to make sure he doesn't see me.

I just want to see his face that's all.I really can't help it.He is going to a different route at the end of the month and i don't know what i am going to do.I won't be able to stalk him.

He is 44 and i am 23




  1. Why don't you stalk taxi cab drivers?

  2. its in your best interest to just leave him be. obsession is not a good thing.

  3. People sometimes want what they can't have, then it becomes an obsession.

  4. Sick, sick, sick!

  5. see a consuler.

    d**n u need help

  6. Babe, you seriously need to get help.  You're getting scary...

  7. I'm glad it worked out for....HIM!

  8. Why do  you insist on being a pathetic stalker?  

  9. HOW many times are you going to post this??

    PATHETIC and a CHEATER....

  10. Pumpkin, you're doing way too much!  

  11. You need to get some counseling.

  12. lLOL!  say a prayer for yourself and clean your act up.

  13. s*x creates soul ties.  You have a bond with him with no committment.  Not to mention, you hurt his marraige - whether he wants to acknowledge it or not.  Look deeper into why you let him use you and why you think you need him.  It sounds like deep insecurity.  Then, create new habits by starving yourself of his face.  It will do a world of good.  Finally, repent and move on.  God bless.

  14. Honey you need to stop bothering me at work....

  15. you are a waste of a human

  16. Go get some mental therapy honey.  You don't want to be a sicko like this your whole life.

  17. You are just flat out obsessive!

  18. keep hanging out at the same bus station until you find another driver to date.  

  19. your nuts

  20. get over yourself!

  21. Anyone, no matter how young, who enters someone else's marriage has allowed demonic forces within them.  You don't know what you are doing because you are being used by the devil.  

    Go to the nearest church and repent.  My ex-husband's mistress, Loretta, who was only 18 years old when they met, obsessed over him too.  

    Repent and ask God to deliver you.  

    This 44 year old man thought he could use you and throw you away, but his day shall soon come.  Make sure you get yourself right.  

    You're not crazy, you just need deliverance.  Go to the nearest apostolic church.  

  22. Time to move on. He's obviously not leaving his wife, so do yourself a favor and go find a SINGLE guy.

  23. First off you obviously have problems

    Second of all man was 20 years you re senior he is sick himself probably has children you re age

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