
Whats wrong with me: I get nervous,avoid eye contact in class?

by  |  earlier

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and walk into class, like people lookin at me, and put my head down?





  1. take theatre classes, it can be impressive how you may change

  2. low self confidence, due to poor parenting or traumatic childhood experiences.

    i think you're getting old enough to not have to rely on others to raise your confidence and instead see the ability in yourself.

    just learn to love yourself. simple as that. learn you are an equal. nobody is better than you.

  3. The first thing to realize is that this is*extremely* common and normal. A lot of people are like this when they are younger, and the situation usually goes away with time.

    If, however, you'd like to speed the process up yourself, then there is a way. As always, you have to exert some effort to get what you want in life, it's not going to come to you just by sitting and wishing things are different.

    The answer is simple, though not necessarily easy: practice.

    You need to practice, over and over, being confident. Start out with talking to yourself in the mirror and making eye-contact with yourself. As weird as that seems, it's actually somewhat intimidating at first for most people. If you feel discomfort, then that's a good sign: it means that practicing will help you.

    Practice talking to yourself in the mirror about random topics. Make sure you maintain eye-contact and act confident. Fake it at first ... and with time you will become way more confident just by doing this.

    The next stage would be to go to a public gathering where you don't or won't know anyone. Just pick something random and go to it. It can even be going to a far away park on a Sunday morning. Walk around and make sure to make eye contact with strangers and maybe say a few "hellos" and "good morning"s. Practice that, over and over. It is very effective.

    Don't worry, you won't get fixed over night ... that's just the way life is. When you finally feel like you are getting somewhere (and you will), then you can slowly bring your training to your own social circles. Make more eye-contact, smile more, act confident. Like they say, "fake it till you make it"

    Good luck.

  4. Im like that too. I guess its because of low self-esteem. But I dont know why because im not ugly at all im just very skinny and tall!! But i wouldnt be able to say how to work on it because i have been with my boyfriend for 6 years and i still dont look him directly in the eye when we talk!! But im working on it tho. I mean jus look at yoself and ask why would u be unsure of urself? N work on what you can change if anything at all. Hope this helps!!

  5. It could be anxiety.  You need to see a psychologist and have them diagnose you properly.  An anxiety disorder is nothing to be ashamed of, it's caused by a chemical reaction in your brain and can be helped with medication from your doctor.  I would see a doctor soon because ignoring it can make it get worse and lead to more severe panic attacks. - Trust me!

  6. i used to have this problem, its definitely not fun, make 1 friend and move from there, as long as you have one other person to support you youll be fine

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