
Whats wrong with me ? i barley eat but i keep gaining weight?

by  |  earlier

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i eat probally 500-700 calories a day, and i exercise regulary. but i keep gaining weight. all day i feel extremly full even when im not. whats wrong with me ??




  1. very low metabolism? idk haha

  2. it could a metabolism problem or some other health issue.. you go to the doctor and get that checked out..

  3. ur metabolism is slower now

  4. Your metabolism is probably down. This happens to me a lot. I usually eat once a day. People say eat many times per day. This is very hard for me. Especially trying to keep up with the calories.  

  5. if your mom or your dad or even you grandma is fat, then watch out. im a runway model and i know how hard it can be to loose weight. my advice is to fast for about two to three days, but drink lots of fluids. such as water. orange juice, avoid sugar, and salts. fatty things like to much meet. stay away from junk food for four days out the week. make a chart, monday meet day, tusday, fruits veggies, ect. you get it

  6. sometimes eating smaller meals through out the day will help your body.

    if you dont eat enought your body will think it is starving and it will store all the food.

  7. Anyone who eats 500-700 calories a day will not gain weight.

    I think you are underestimating your calorie intake.

  8. bvnhgfn

  9. Your metabolism has slowed because of the lower calorie intake. Your body adjusts

  10. You're starving your body and therefore the body is reacting by keeping everything it can.  Follow a proper food guide and continue to exercise.

  11. as a matter of fact the less you eat the more wight you gain cuz your body kicks in survival mode thinking oh no less food.  a doc told me the best way is to eat small meals every 3 to 4 hours

  12. are you stressed? Some ppl gain if they are stressed and some loose as they are stressed. Go see a doctor might be something health related.

  13. your counting calories wrong. what you THINK is 700 is probally 2000.

  14. maybe you need to eat a bit more if you are eating 500-700 calories

  15. If you don't eat a healthy amount of calories your body will retain all the fats and sugars you do eat. Your body knows that it has limited  food resources and has to plan accordingly. I would encourage you to keep exercising regularly, but increase your cal intake to at least 900-1100 a day. It might take a little while for your body to catch up, but the more you eat the more your body has to burn naturally. If your appetite is not normal I would suggest seeing a Dr.!  

  16. it depends on what you eat and what nutriments are in that food..try drinking nutriment as a meal replacement..its really good and it has alot of vitamins and minerals for a welll balanced also comes in good flavors ( chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, caramel, and more ) it taste really good and its good 4 u

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