
Whats wrong with my 360???

by  |  earlier

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I'm getting emails saying my friends are leaving me comments on my 360 page, but when I go to check them, nothing... I'm getting like 5 or 6 comments a day, and I can't view them. Do I need to delete some of the old ones or what?




  1. Just another 360 Yahoo glitch!!!!!

  2. on the corner of your comments should say that you can see more comments

  3. In the corner of your comments it should say that you can see more comments. Your 360 is totally fine, don't panic! At least you don't have the ring of death!

  4. yahoo is just now starting to settling up with the 360's, give it time!  most of my invites are just ow being!  like ovenight, sweetie!

    morning shon!

    luv ya


  5. Unfortunately Mine is also like yours !there is nothing we can do about it!yahoo should solve it !at first there were problems with invitations and testimonials and now with comments!OMG!

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