
Whats wrong with my baby bearded dragon?

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I got a Bearded dragon for Christmas and he was a little over a month old. Since he's been eating healthy and very active. His substrate is just fake grass there's no way he can eat it and its only until he's big enough for his custom enclosure(he's in a 20 Gallon long at the moment). The only problem hes had was hes a slow grower but he was a small baby anyways but with beautiful colors. Two days ago he started getting a lot of stress lines, decreased appetite and wouldn't open his eyes. Now he's hiding from his lights and laying limp again the tank walls. He won't even interact when he's taken out! I'm very worried about my baby so I looked into his lighting thinking that could be the problem considering the only change made was his UV. I've stopped the UV to see if it was the problem( the same light was affecting my turtle) but still no improvement.




  1. it might have a cold my blue tongue has a cold and has similar problems

  2. take it to the vet ASAP

  3. Vets might be a good idea, yes.

    There are some lights out there that are causing problems just like you are describing.  Some of the notable ones are the compacts and the Reptiglo 10.0.  These problems usually stop a few days after the UVB bulb is removed.  Here is an article about that:

  4. VETS!!!!

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