
Whats wrong with my beared dragon?

by Guest66973  |  earlier

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my bearded dragon keeps trying to climb out the cage. shes liek swimming up the side glass. ill try and pick her up and she will flatten out and show her beard. whats wrong?

11 months old





  1. shes goin through heat

  2. Don't worry about what the others have said, I highly doubt there's anything wrong with her and she definately doesn't need a male.

    All of the beardie owners I know have said this is common behaviour in both young and mature animals, this is the time they usually take them out of the enclosure to get a bit of fresh air and 'playtime'. =)

    Check your temperature is not too high just to be on the safe side, if everything is normal theres nothing to worry about.

    Good luck.

  3. They can get like that when the mature. Other than that, nothing that I would worry about. It's just typical dragon behavior

  4. she needs a male bearded dragon.

  5. Check your temps.  Make sure she's not too hot.  She is stressed about something.

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