
Whats wrong with my cats eyes?!?

by  |  earlier

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its been like that for weeks. dont say CLEAN HER EYES. we have. she has like an infection or it got poked. go to the vet?




  1. i would take her to the vet just in case, but it could be nothing, just an old kitty thing.... You should be careful though, eyes are sensitive and if the infection got really bad, kitty could lose an eye. Good Luck!

  2. Goop coming out of the eyes could be a symptom of a respiratory infection.  Take her to the vet to get checked out.

  3. I think your cat has some sort of infection.  I would take her to the vet as soon as possible.

  4. Yeah when my cat first got her respiratory infection there was brown goop coming out of her eyes and no matter how much we cleaned it it kept coming bak.  And if you dont know if your cat has a respiratory infection or not just try 2 hear her breathing if it sounds like shes purring but really loudly.  Just take her to the vet and they'll give her some medicines.  

  5. aww poor thing he might have some sort of infection. take him to thaa vett =]

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