
Whats wrong with my chihuahua?

by  |  earlier

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my chihuahua keeps shaking and she wont walk if she doesnt have to and wont run like she used to and yes she is lazy but she wont even walk up steps can u plz tell me whats wrong with my baby!?!?!?!?!




  1. Please take her in to see the vet. Chihuahuas are such fragile babies. She may have hurt her back or one of her legs.We can't tell you anything on here,sorry. If one of my 4 Chihuahuas would even begin to act like something was wrong I would be on the phone with the vet or on his doorstep. Again, Please take her in.

  2. I would take her to the vet ASAP...could be her thyroid

  3. Ok. A lot of small dogs I have had shake. Make sure you are trying to walk her every day. Play with her everyday. She is 7 years old huh. Well she's getting to that age where playfulness seems to stop. Some dogs will keep on playing till they drop but some dogs if not played with enough stop doing things. Like not walking when not needed.

    As for shedding. She may be growing a new coat. Go to the vet if this doesn't stop soon.  

  4. You should make an appointment to take her to a vet.  I don't know how old she is, but it's possible it could be arthritis.

  5. what the h**l prompted you to come to yahoo answers and not the vet?

  6. Call a vet quick

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