
Whats wrong with my fiance?

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Hey there when my fiance comezs home from its like he always has this undercurrent attitude. Im a stay at home, I try n have the house clean, I may run him a bath offer food, but its like for the first hour he's such a *****, I ask him how his day goes try 2 lighten the mood n its like he's mad or something.

Any idea what's wrong or how I can fix this?




  1. Probably just needs to unwind.  Just give him a little space when he first gets home.  Like, time your dinner to where you are still cooking when he gets home, he can chill while you finish!

  2. My boyfriend does this when he gets home from work a lot. When a guy first gets home, all he wants to do is unwind. He's not acting like a jerk just to be mean. In fact, he doesn't even know he's acting like a jerk! Just let him come in, watch some TV, take a shower (or whatever else he likes to do when he gets home), and he'll be in a better mood within an hour (at the most). Don't take it personally, it's just a guy thing.

  3. Leave him alone when he gets home! I hate when I have a rotten a$$ day at work and my husband wants to talk as soon as I walk in the door. Leave me alone to chill for an hour or so and then I'll be more than happy to spend time with him.

  4. He needs time to chill out.  I like to be left alone when I get home for a bit. That is probably all it is.  

  5. Just because his work day sucks is no excuse for him to be rude to you. You should tell him that. You're only trying to make him feel a little better and don't deserve attitude from him for it.  

  6. my answer is;

    You are a Stay at home mom, correct? So I will Assume you have kids. First you have a very tough job and if you went to work. How much will daycare cost and will you be working just to pay someone else to raise your children? This is mainly for those telling you to get a job and see how it feels. They have No clue.

    When he comes home Give him a kiss, tell him how you feel about him, then tell him to take a little time and unwind. Then go about your business and let him. Some guy's just need a little time too shift gears.

    Good Luck!

  7. You need to go find a job and then see how it feels coming home in the afternoon, after putting up with co-workers, traffic etc.  Just give him his space when he comes home, let him relax and unwind.  

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