
Whats wrong with my fish? i moved and after a month they are still not doing well

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i know that draining a tank and then refilling it is hard on fish ,it has to cyle and process is a shock to the fish but i have moved three times and never had any real problems. this time though ive had 6 fish die and one seems very sick, its scales are brownish in areas (whit colored fish it really stands out) the rest of them have been basically laying low since ive been here, hiding under rocks and logs.

they are african cichlids.

could the water be different enough in my new area that they are having a hard time with that maybe? i think it is softer water in this part of town as it is a different source. what should i do?




  1. Yeah, I'd do a water test. You didn't say what size your tank was or the age of the fish, but it sounds like water quality. I'd check it out & see if that was the problem first. I could be a combination of not-so-right water mixed with the cycling could have made something a little higher or lower than they're used to even in a move.

  2. have you been feeding them? Have you tried cleaning the filter? how about cleaning the tank? if you have done all of these its probably because of the water in that area..

  3. Get your fish tank water tested. A lot of vets, and pet stores do that for you and give you a walk through of what to do. Also take some pics, and show a vet/petstore aquarium expert.

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