
Whats wrong with my mom???? IMPORTANT?

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Hi My mom has not been feeling well she has a bad headache ( she has migraines) so that's normal but shes been having leg pain and she feels like throwing up Well her whole body hurts and her stomach hurts She also has a fever ):

Please help me get her better I'm only 19




  1. make her see a doctor!!!!

  2. She may have an infection. You need to take her to the hospital ASAP because it could turn systematic and she could be seriously ill.

  3. The symptoms are too general. Could be anything or nothing. She should see a doctor.

  4. get her to a doctor.She may have an infection from the removal of the tooth.

  5. she might have apendecitis, take her to the emergency room.  

  6. i suggest going to the doctor... that doesn't sound too good

  7. You probably need to see a doctor.

  8. well first of all let me inform you that most of the people who answer on Y!A are people who live in their parent's basement.  so I wouldn't trust their answers COMPLETELY....but some of them might actually know what they're talking about... LOL!

    also she might have appendicitis... but idk.   the symptoms are too vauge and general for an average person to figure out through a description on a computer.  It's easier for a doctor to see her so she can show them EXACTLY where she hurts, etc.  

    So I suggest you go to the Hospital or HER doctor's office, where they know what they are doing and they are professionals.  If she requires IMMEDIATE medical attention, call an ambulance.  just be aware that sometimes they charge a fee for that - in NYC (just because it's busy and there are few ambulances compared to the people who need medical attention) it's about $500 so it's probably a bit cheaper in some areas, if they even charge anything.  the insurance should cover that.

    but even if you don't have medical insurance, GO TO THE DOCTOR! if something gets infected, that could lead to bad things and possibly life threatening (its not likely, but if it's bad enough and not treated correctly, it could lead to get her some medical attention!)

    best of luck to you both! ♥

  9. Could be a dry socket if where she had the tooth out, head and neck is extremely painful and throbbing.

    May also be flu or infection.

    I would ring the dentist and tell advise them of her symptoms.

  10. Hey,

    WIth a tooth taken out she could have bacteria in her blood--urge her to let you take her to the docter--she could develop endocarditis--inflammation of the heart lining--just try to get her to go.  SHe may not want to listen to you as my daughter is also 19--so maybe call her mom or friends.

  11. Gall stones.... appendix problems... consult your physician to be sure.

    Don't rely on us.

    Best Wishes to your Mother.  

  12. maybe when she got the tooth out it hit a nerve, or maybe she has the flu. dont worry, im sure she will be fine, just stay calm. and tell her everything is going to be fine. i would call a doctor, good luck [:

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