
Whats wrong with my refrigerator?

by  |  earlier

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I have a 7 year old fridge and this morning when i went to the kitchen, i found water around it and saw that the ice had thawed out and that the fridge and the freezer were not working. what could be wrong? do i need a new compressor. and how much would it be? Thanks!!




  1. Could be just the thermostat , check it first before scrapping the fridge !

    Cheers Pete

  2. i just had the same problem, now my fridge sits in the back of my truck for the scrap yard. i went on craigslist and got another one for seventy five dollars. it costs alot to fix them things. sounds like the compresser went out. i wrote on the door of it,"DONE" KICKED THE BUCKET"  now its in refridgerator heaven...get another one, its cheaper in the long run. sorry it went out, its a pain in the butt. ........

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