
Whats wrong with my tiel ?

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I uncovered him this morning & he went whacko.

He started running back & forth in his cage, when I picked him up & got my morning kiss he's been real calm. wierd. Never did this before.




  1. Sounds like you really startled him when you took of the cover from his cage.  From now on, call his name and talk to him for a few seconds before removing the cover.  I have had many people complain of this, but when they give the bird some warning that they are taking the cover off, all is well.  I'm glad you cover him at night, though, it helps them feel secure and will help making sure they get some good rest.

  2. We owned a Myna bird once and he started doing the same thing several times a day.  He'd start making a ruckus and wanted out of his cage NOW for no reason that we could see.  3 days later we had a rather large earthquake and he hasn't done it since.  Perhaps your bird can feel vibrations in the earth or construction equipment moving around outside.

    Also, cockatiels are known for "night fright" and get scared easily in the dark.  If it was dark when you uncovered him that could explain it.  He'd calm down after he saw it was you and knew everything was going to be OK.  I have a cockatoo that's the same way.  I think she can't see very well in the dark and gets frightened until she knows it's safe.

  3. Did you look in the mirror? Maybe you are not that pretty in the morning.  

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