
Whats wrong with not being circumcised?

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I personally find no harm in it at all. I've heard all the rumors and some of them are actually very funny. Frankly, i have never had any problem with not being "cut" but it seems a few of my male counterparts seem to think its really strange. Ladies, do you find a secret problem with it?(cause that is all that really matters)




  1. I heard that some women really like it, but others hate it.

    I'm a guy and circumsized and thankful for it.  I feel like it's more clean and shapely.

    Sorry.  Anyway, I'm sure you can think of some good things about your particular state, and I don't need to hear about it.

  2. There is none really as long as you pull it back and wash it good. The truth is not being circumcised increases the sensitivity in the head of the p***s. There are really no medical reasons why a person should be circumcised these days. Like I said as long as they use soap and water and wash themselves good then everything is fine.  

  3. There's nothing wrong with it, in fact it's better.

    It's only in the USA that people think it's normal/good to be cut and only because it's common for reasons of tradition. But rates are dropping. In the rest of the world, being uncut is normal (obviously) and cut is weird.


  4. I agree. I went through the to cut or not to cut with the birth of my son 19 years ago. The doctor basically told me that as long as I teach good hygiene to him beginning at a young age , there is no reason to do it and that it would be better in the long run not to because sexually speaking , it's more sensitive when it hasn't been cut. I've only been with 1 guy who wasn't and apparently his mother had not been as dilligent.  

  5. That's a good question.

    I also want to know what the ladies think.

  6. Nothing. It's mostly a cultural thing common in Jewish tradition, and more widely in the United States. Outside the US, it's rarer to be circumcised.

    There is some initial thought that being circumcised might reduce the ease of contraction of aids, but it's by no means a substitute for a condom. Other than that, you'll probably have to get used to American girls being surprised, but you get to keep the most sensitive part of your body. I think you'll manage.

  7. belief over bacteria... if you keep yourself REALLY clean then you should be ok

  8. There are a lot of circumcision questions today lol! As I said in one earlier, I'm British and virtually no guys over here are circumcised unless they're Jewish. I've never seen a circumcised p***s in real life and wouldn't want to either, no offence to those that have them but I think circumcised look really odd. I mean lets face it, no p***s is a pleasant thing lol but at least keep it natural! I guess it must be a culture thing I don't know, but as I said in the answer I gave earlier... it is absolute that not being circumcised is unhygenic... all I can say that this is a rumour that must stem from people that are too lazy to wash and looking for an excuse as I have close friendships with a LOT of guys, and I've yet to meet one who is circumcised and at the same time I have yet to meet someone who has ever had any problem due to poor hygene 'down there'. Funny that!

  9. I prefer uncircumcised, but then I live in the UK where intact and natural is the norm.

    Here, you'd be more likely to be asking the question the other way round.

  10. As long as you keep clean no problem

    Unfortunatly as babies boys moms or who ever gives Jimmy a bath need to know how to clean their baby boys.

    Which means retracting the f******n skin and cleaning and then returning the f******n back over the p***s.

    Unfortunatly when not properly cleaned infections can occur.

    I have seen 1 year old boys that had to be admitted to the hospital for IV anti-biotics because the infections were so bad that the ER doctor was unable to retract the f******n due to swelling ( of the infectous sort)

    The patient had a fever ect and had to stay in the hospital

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