
Whats wrong with our buck?

by Guest57336  |  earlier

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our buck (also called buck) is a dutch rabbit (brown with a white band around his middle) over the last couple of weeks the brown fur has started going grey in patches. he is only about a year old, but im worried about him - does this mean he has got something wrong with him? he was a stray rabbit that we adopted after finding him out on our street and noone claimed him, he would fit in the palm of your hand when we had him and that was about 6 mths ago (hence why i dont know exactly how old he is). has anyone else had this happen with their rabbit? what was it?




  1. Yes i have a rabbit...her name is Ms. brother named her...any way, when we got her she was a lighter brown in a couple areas and dark brown in others...she was small like yours used to be then about 6 or 7 months into having her her fur started changing colors the light brown changed into an almost white and the darker brown turned to a darker grey so its just your rabbit changing colors! i hope i helped

  2. He's simply changing coat colour which is very common in rabbits, especially when they're out in the sun.  

  3. I Had A Small Black Female Once And She Started To Go Brown At 4 Months And Then Grey At About 10-12 Months We Took Her To Our Vet And He Said Its Obviously In Her Genes, Each Of The Colours And As Her Fur Grows It Will Change, Rabbits Also Shed Fur And As They Do It Changes Colour, Hope This Helpss.



  4. He could just be maulting. Lots of rabbit moult during this time of year, and it comes out in funny patches. During the middle they look like patch-work bunnies : )

    Try pulling it out with your fingers, if it comes out easy, then it will be due to maulting, and you can ease this with brushing gently daily with a soft slicker brush.

    If it doesn't come out easily, and if the skin looks sore, itchy, flakey, or inflammed. I would recommend taking to the vets as soon as possible as it could be a skin complaint. Good luck x

  5. So he's going grey. You should never judge a buck by it's cover.

    But seriously, going grey in general or in patches can be perfectly normal, but could be the sign of a skin complaint. As you got him as a stray, it's best if you take him to a vet for a quick check up anyway

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