
Whats wrong with sharing an EXPLOSIVE night of s*x with your husband, then going to church on Sunday?

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I get so sick of people telling me what I can or cannot do behind the doors of my own bedroom.

Honestly - what part does religion play in the bedroom as long as you are not hurting or abusing each other? When you love someone don't you want to do all you can to please him/her ... and they likewise the same?

What pleases my man might not be what you do to please yours. And what pleases me might not please you. But just because I don't have s*x like you doesn't make me a bad person nor does it make my husband and I "freaks in the bedroom".

Who judges the right and wrong way to make love to one another other then the couple in question?

My Point?

It's Saturday night - whats wrong with sharing an EXPLOSIVE night of love-making with your husband (or significant other) ... then waking up to go to church on Sunday morning. Do you think that wrong?




  1.   did you actually blow him up?? that would be bad and against the rules. ( I think that a commandment frowns upon that)  anyway, as long as everyone is safe, I don't see your problem   at least you go to church-    live it up

  2. you guys belong to each other, youre bodies are joined as one.  theres not a thing wrong with enjoying s*x.

  3. I'm a Christian and my husband and I usually have awesome s*x on Saturday nights, as I'm sure other couples who attend my church do too. It shouldn't be an issue.

  4. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that at all.  You and your husband have found each other and I think that is great.  You are married and there is nothing wrong with pleasing each other.  Keep up the good work.  ;)

  5. I get your point and this church attendance was also my concern. We got smart and we have this EXPLOSIVE night on Fridays. Saturday is for grocery shopping and laundry and we are in the clear for Sunday morning.

  6. There is NOTHING wrong with sharing an EXPLOSIVE night of s*x with the spouse!!!  assuming you like your spouse, that is.  Who said there was?????

  7. my question is why does someone have the material to make that judgement? are u telling your priest what you do on a sat night? i dotn get how anyone could even tell you that unless you are saying hey, i have freaky s*x on sats. you gota problem with that?

    no offense but no one cares what you and ur Husband do behind closed door and neither does the church im sure.  

  8. I know how ya feel, I was at the strip club last saturday night, with my hands up every chick I could find. Then I was in church and gave confession and all was forgiven.....its great.  

  9. Only wrong if you invited your dog in with you...

    Really, there is nothing wrong here. My guess is somebody who knows very little about the Bible spouted some incorrect Church customs to you. Know your Bible and you won't have problems like this...

  10. I do not think it is a bit wrong.

    In fact, I do not think having another round of fun Sunday morning before getting dressed as bad.

    As you stated - it is something happening between consenting adults - and that is no ones business but you and your partner. Any person or religion that would tell you otherwise is sticking its nose where it has no business being.

  11. how does anyone even know what you do behind closed doors? most couples have s*x at least once a day!! even on Sunday morning right before church! who would say something if they don't know??

  12. when you're married, you can have s*x any day you want.  i'll do it the night before church, the morning before we leave for church, and the minute we get back if i wanna.  

  13. Nah the explosive s*x thing sounds wild...whats wrong is goin to church that place is filled it nonsense.

  14. Absolutely nothing wrong with it however..

    you always get these sanctimonious numb nuts who think they can dictate what 2 consenting married adults do in the do NOT discuss the intimate parts of your marriage with anyone but your partner....what they don't know they can't comment on...good luck.

  15. There's nothing wrong with it at all, you live your life how you want to live it. It has nothing to do with religion or other people, it's all about what makes you happy, to love and to be loved.

  16. there is nothing wrong with great s*x with your husband! Under the eyes of God you are joined as one!  There's a good series by pastor Ed Young about married s*x and how to rev up your s*x life.  I believe it is playing on USA website.  

  17. Nothing wrong with it unless you bring pictures and talk about it over coffee at church.

  18. If he's your husband then there is no problem.  If he isn't ---- well that's why the church has an issue with it because according to the bible s*x with anyone who you are not married to is fornication/adultery.

    The day you have s*x on doesnt matter either.  I think if your church is telling you and your husband HOW to have s*x...........change churches!  That's just a plain old cult.

  19. Nothing wrong with that. You are married. Read Song of Songs in the bible.

    All that EXPLOSIVE activity and you two got up to go to church, I hope you gave a many thanks for being in a happy and blessed relationship.

    One last thing.... don't just save the explosiveness for saturday night. the other six days of the week will feel neglected. More power to you both.

    TIP: keep your s*x life to yourself.

  20. nothing, and anyone that says there is something wrong with it is either a virgin or has a crappy s*x life

  21. Nothing wrong with it.  We do it all the time.  The marraige bed is undefiled (meaning you can do what you and your hubby want as long as it's together).  It's holy.

  22. I don't think anything is wrong with that.

    I would say you are d**n lucky to be married and have that with your husband!!

  23. Nothing wrong with this at all. Some people just think that they are holier than thou.  

  24. Who says that?

    My husband and I are practicing Roman Catholics and we attend The Tridentine Latin Mass EVERY Sunday but Saturday nights are OURS !!!

    Seems to me you are just trying to knock religion....I don't see your point.

  25. If my wife and I had a night of explosive s*x the only difference would be I might be spending more time worshiping her on Sunday...

  26. Not a thing. It's your husband and you can do whatever you want to him and the fact that you go to church is even better. May God bless your relationship.

  27. Who says it's wrong. The bible clearly states that married couples are to enjoy each other as long as they both want to do it. My question is do you blabber to your friends what you do in the bedroom? It is suppose to be between you and your husband.

  28. haha! i do that all the time. people who speak against that are the wrong ones. you're married. god created s*x so married people could ENJOY it. have fun!  

  29. God created s*x. He created marriage. Go for it. Read the book of Solomon.  

  30. there is nothing wrong with it.  The bible tells us that a man shall leave his mother and a woman leave her home and the two shall become one flesh.  You can't get more explicit than that.  I don't see what's wrong with making love with your spouse and then going to church the same morning.  How you and your husband chose to show your love towards each other is between the two of you.

  31. F***  ! 'em

    not even gonna bother going any further.

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