
Whats wrong with soy products?

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I hear something is wrong with eating soy, like its bad for you or something. besides that fact or being organic or not, what is wrong with it? is it all legumes, or jus some? thankx





  2. Supposedly they have phytoestrogens, which can upset the hormonal balance in the body...Soybeans have them, especially processed products like protein isolate (in soy protein powders and bars and most veggie burgers), which has alot of isoflavones. I think there is also something which affects the thyroid and makes people gain weight. There's a book called "The Dark Side of Soy" about all this. I think it makes sense that eating alot of processed foods is not a good thing. I am going to start making more and more things from scratch. But on the other hand, who knows who puts this stuff out and what their agenda is...

  3. That depends upon who you ask.

    Nothing's wrong with them as far as I know. Been taking them upwards of 30 years in lieu of the cow's milk.

    My sister's been on soy going on 40 years.

  4. There is nothing wrong with soy products (as long as you aren't allergic) that isn't wrong with any other. If you grow corn in massive amounts with artificial fertilizers and many other chemicals and then break it down into component parts such as HFCS, dextrose, maltodextrin and many other products, it's not a whole food anymore and not as healthy.

    That's what's been done with soy and truth is that those who eat the standard Western diet with meat are getting more soy via processed foods than people in most Asian countries and the animals consumed are eating even more.

    The main soy smearing is coming from the Weston A Price association and Mercola (who is out to sell you stuff) and they both advocate some odd stuff such as eating organ meats, sneaking those in to your family meals, and giving to your infants. Their data is based on a dentist's observations of skeletons in other countries but not science.

    For the information debunking the Price and Mercola myths check out these links:

    Further, most issues with thyroids (which regulate a lot of our hormones) come not from soy but from industrial chemical contamination (which is getting in a lot of our water and foods especially fish) and include perchlocate (rocket fuel and a fertilizer in some countries where we get produce) and PCBs (which were a Monsanto product they dumped all over and which are persistent and add up with exposure).

    Veg*ns tend to eat more whole and organic soy products which are very healthy and a nice addition to a healthy diet even if you aren't a veg*n. But, a diet can also be healthy without it if you don't care for it or are allergic. There are a lot of other healthy beans, nuts, seeds, etc., to take the place of soy products.

  5. Fermented soy (tofu, tempeh) in moderation can be used as a protein supplement but make sure you only buy certified organic soy products as most of the soy you see including infant formulas use Genetically Modified soy in their products.  These have been shown in studies to be extremely dangerous. Anytime you see "soy" listed as an ingredient it is probably GM soy unless it specifically states it is not.

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