
Whats wrong with the comment I said?

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This lady asked, why is your definition of a scary neighborhood?

I said.

" when drug addicts roam the streets, when little girls cant even play out in their front yard. When even the police are afraid to go into the neighborhood.

-when you cant trust your neighbors

-people are not friendly

-one man for himself type


-the children are as just as rude as the parents


I got like 3 thumbs down for it.

I should know, I live in the ghetto.




  1. I see nothing wrong with what you said. In fact, I completely agree with you!  

  2. I think that some people instantly get offended when others use the word "ghetto" in a derogatory way. Even if you live in the ghetto. I saw someone get all p.o.ed on "The Real World" when someone said "I was in the ghetto." It is baffling. It's not like you listed different skin colors as being scary(which would get a thumbs down)

  3. I personally think that some people just go around giving people the thumbs down just to do so.

    I think you described one kind of scary neighborhood. Any one of those things in my neighborhood would scare me let alone all of them.

  4. There is nothing wrong with your answer, and it is not racist.  Some people like to call people racist just for pointing out facts about society.  Once when I was teaching a class, I said that young black males were more likely to die by homicide (a statistical fact).  One girl started screaming at me and calling me a racist.  

    Sorry you have to live in the ghetto.  It must be rough!  I live in the middle of nowhere, and sometimes I wish my kids had neighbors to play with.  But I guess I should count my blessings!

  5. It is a subjective question and you answered it appropriately by describing the atmosphere of a neighborhood you would not be comfortable in. Nothing in your answer even hinted at hatred toward any specific race. "Ghetto", usually refers to an ethnically segregated neighborhood which could be  construed as racist, but personally I think the colloquial meaning of ghetto has changed in the past 20 years...

  6. its not nice but it's the TRUTH your answer is correct

  7. I don't see anything wrong with your comment in fact I completely agree with you. Those 3 thumbs down were probably from people who practiced some of the things you said in their neighborhood.

  8. Sounds pretty accurate to me!

  9. I agree with your examples of what constitutes a 'scary' neighborhood, but everyone has their own ideas of what might scare them.

    I also don't think that living in the 'ghetto' gives you any more credential to make a statement over someone else. I've never lived in the ghetto and those same things you listed would scare me to death!

  10. I guess some people like that lifestyle? Who knows? People are strange.

  11. i guess it didn't fit into their pretty picture of the world with clear blue skies and picket fences.

  12. Nothing wrong with what you said, every word was factual, guess some people just "can't handle the truth."

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