
Whats wrong with the ppl who whine all the time?

by  |  earlier

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excluding under age 5`s! but seriously is it a personality type?




  1. They're not happy with themselves.  People who like to whine and criticize make an effort to keep the spotlight off themselves.

  2. I'm with Commander Henry-they have never been broken of the toddler whine.  It worked then and if it still works now they will continue to whine.

  3. Most of them are simply looking for attention. Dont give it to them and itll go away.

  4. People whom wine all the time, are usually spoiled, and use to get their way...another reason some people whine are that they are suffering from heartburn!!!

  5. It's a problem that's based in our society.  Modern culture says we have to be nice to everyone, and if someone is offended or upset, it's our fault and we have to make it better.  So whiners, instead of getting smacked like they would be in the past, get catered to and coddled so they won't feel so bad.  So people learn that whining is how to get what they want.

  6. In some cases its a personlity type

    For these people, nothing is okay. It's too hot or it's too cold. It's too far; they're too tired; it's too hard. As the saying goes, these people would "***** if they were hung with a new rope." Nobody pays attention to or cares about them enough; life is not fair. They didn't get the same deal or the same treatment as everybody else. Whine, whine, whine. These people experience the world as an agonizing and very personal ordeal. In response, the people around them want to slap them and scream, "Shut up and deal with it! But mainly, just shut up!"

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