
Whats wrong with this poor fish???

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I have a friend that has these two goldfish for 7 1/2 years. One of these fish is laying on its side and is bloated. I would like to say that I know about my fish but this one is a stumper. It's not dropsy because it has no spiney like scales and it's not what some people call bloat (constipation) because it eats and poops. It's been like this for a little bit over a month now. Any help with the answer?




  1. I bet you it has too much air inside of him.....what does she feed it? Flakes? Floating food? If so she should switch to sinking pettets because when a goldfish comes to the top of the tank to get it's food it gulps in air as it eats which is not good for them...Digestion problems are soo common with goldfish because they have curved spines which crams everything together inside of them! Hope I helped! 7 1/2 years is pretty old for a goldfish but in proper conditions could live a lot longer!

  2. well i think that your over feedn the fish i have done that if ur lucky u it will live

  3. Fish cannot unintentionally swallow air-- any air that is "gulped" will be immediately forced out the gills, or just left at the surface.  How big is the tank it's in?  Stunted fish are, unfortunately, not all that uncommon, and as the organs continue to grow while the rest of the fish doesn't, the expanding organs will lead to swelling and eventually compaction of the swim bladder and other organs.  It may be too late at this point, but since it's eating, you might try split peas and possibly food soaked in antibiotics (Kanaplex, Furan 2, Maracyn 2, Maracyn TC, Triple Sulfa, Trisulfa, etc.).

    Melafix is not necessarily bad for fish, but it's not good either.  It is a preventative, like Neosporin, and should not be toted as an actual cure as much as a prophylactic measure.

  4. i heard that melafix was bad for fish...i'm not sure =[

  5. Tell your friend to go to walmart and to get melafix, and primafix and that should help the fish.

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