
Whats yer biggest fears in life

by  |  earlier

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mine are a few, aside from dieing and the ones i love being hurt, and such, my biggest fear is not succeeding in fufilling my dreams.




  1. Dieing alone

    Never finding a soul mate

    Having to go on living without happiness

    Losing all hope for the future

    OH!!! This is so depressing.

  2. Like you, I think dying is an obvious other greatest fears are small moving enclosed spaces -- I detest elevators if they have a lot of people in them, especially.  And, I fear bats...I've already lived long enough to see many dreams fail, so not fulfilling dreams is no longer something I fear.

  3. Failure, dying alone, suffering, being rejected and forgotten by everyone, losing my family, dying young, being unhappy my whole life, and not being accepted....

  4. Heaven isn't just for high achievers

  5. i suppose my greatest fears would be:



    getting a serious illness


    losing my sanity

    having bad things happen to the ones I care about

    being hurt by others or inadvertently hurting others

  6. mines the same as yours

  7. dying, earthquakes  , not succeeding in life or fulfilling my dreams

  8. Living my entire life with the nastiest case of herpies you've ever seen.  

  9. i fear trivial things. like my form room at school being messy, or  my mum and i being friends.

    i am not scared of death, but i am not scared of life. i think the reason people have fears about death is a fear of the unknown. which is what the majority of fears, but not phopias are based apoun. fear of the dark, fear of death, fear of what happens if you dont fufil your dreams. you fear things you dont imagen - because you dont want to or you can. OR because of what you imagen ie. monsters under the bed

  10. Flying , not being able to hold on to my sanity , or my family getting hurt.

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