
Whats you're favorite and worst thing about high school?

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Whats you're favorite and worst thing about high school?




  1. My favorite was that almost all the teachers liked me, and I was anything but a teachers pet. I hardly ever did my homework, most projects were last minute/done that same day, I didn't participate unless I was forced to, and I talked pretty often if I sat next to someone I knew. But teacher's loved me for some reason. They say it's my "mixed heritage" or "personality" that makes them so fond of me.

    My least favorite thing about high school was losing a lot of friends. We all moved separate ways and all, but we could have still kept in touch. Oh well, can't blame it all on them, because I could have stepped up more as well.

  2. My favorite is that I'm done with it.

    The worst thing, was certain teachers who were just putting in time.

    College was so much better!


  3. Favorite- being with all my friends and gettin to see everyone else every day, and I must say the boys were pretty great

    Worst- Way too many projects

  4. worst: projects

    best: friends

  5. Favorite: my first 2 yrs of hs, its the best high school yrs for me, miss it so much and miss my fds, hope time can go back..xd

  6. Worst: all the studying and some boring classes. And ya high schools just boring i dont really like it, same routine everyday

    best: it would be classes with all my friends, last time it was chemistry. LOVED it. Also, i love the lunches and socializing with my friends in the morning and after school. And lets not forget the times when we all have a test/ exam (math, chemistry, physics etc) and we all get together to study (basically the whole grade) its fun

  7. Worst thing about highschool - Freshman year.

    Best thing - everything else

  8. Worst: Little freshman kids who think they are the toughest people around

    Best: The relaxed policy on attendance at my school; I miss so much class, but I have never gotten in any trouble for it

  9. favorite:  participating in orchestra for sound of music play, mathletes, drumline, becoming an upperclassmen

    worst: sophmore year, lack of sleep, parental control

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