
Whats you favourite conversation topic?

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Whats you favourite conversation topic?




  1. My favourite topic is food baby!!!


  2. politics, travel, kids

  3. Religion because I do not have strong stands on the existence of God and seek great entertainment in trying to prove people wrong.


    Sports and recreation.

    Hobbies and interests.


    Culture and traditions..

  4. anything controversial, and them take a step back and listen (and laugh)

  5. Anything that strikes up a debate.

    Pro Life/Pro Choice?




  6. Cars and stuff to do with cars, I love them, can talk for hours on the subject! Politics is my second favourite subject, I hate the way Britain is run nowadays, and more people are starting to agree with me, wasn't the case 4 or 5 years ago, says something, doesn't it!

  7. politics and religion, dislike  both, but its fun tying to talk to people about them, without getting into a full blown argument.

    Lob questions at times like a grenade and watch the sparks fly.

  8. I don't have any particular bees in my bonnet, but I know what's buzzing around in my friends' heads, and even though I might agree with them, I play Devil's Advocate - just for the h**l of it. When I was young I knew everything.  Now that I am older, I have absorbed an encyclopedia of facts, but I'm not sure that I know anything other than that I like to play. Some progress, huh?

  9. Politics, food, literature, people's majors and why they picked them, life goals, travel, movies, music. The usual suspects. I also enjoy the occasional bitching session.

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