
Whats you opinion of Mikel More?

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i saw sicko and i think the guys got a point




  1. Moore for president .

  2. He does have a point.  His main point is that he does not think much of the U.S.A. and those who try to defend it.

    His movies have been shown to have more holes in them than Swiss Cheese.

    He has the right to believe and think what he wants to and I have no problem with that however, when he tries to say that his is the only true and factual point then that I will strongly disagree with.

  3. Moran and Treacherous Traitor

  4. I loved his cameo in Team America: World Police.  Very true to character.

  5. I think he's interesting ......he makes people think.....

  6. I think he is a hero. I'm sure he gets death threats.

  7. Some poor, bitter fool in dire need of Jenny Craig!!!!

  8. he brings attention to issues that are staring us in the face....but I dont always agree with all he says/does .....I think sometimes he grandstands....but basically he does a good job.  :  )

  9. Liberal socialist propaganda spewing pig.

  10. I have seen Bowling for Columbine, Farenheight, and Sicko. Michael Moore definitely has a point in all three. However he does tend to edit things incorrectly to prove his point. Canada definitely does not have the perfect health care system as portrayed in Sicko.

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